reviewdog [cppcheck] report
reported by reviewdog 🐶
Findings (4)
src/creatures/players/components/player_stash.cpp|68| Variable 'itemId' is not assigned a value.
src/io/functions/iologindata_save_player.cpp|175| Variable 'db' can be declared with const
src/io/functions/iologindata_save_player.cpp|637| Variable 'db' can be declared with const
src/io/functions/iologindata_save_player.cpp|685| Variable 'db' can be declared with const
Filtered Findings (0)
Check warning on line 68 in src/creatures/players/components/player_stash.cpp
github-actions / cppcheck
[cppcheck] src/creatures/players/components/player_stash.cpp#L68
Variable 'itemId' is not assigned a value.
Raw output
src/creatures/players/components/player_stash.cpp:68:Variable 'itemId' is not assigned a value.
Check warning on line 175 in src/io/functions/iologindata_save_player.cpp
github-actions / cppcheck
[cppcheck] src/io/functions/iologindata_save_player.cpp#L175
Variable 'db' can be declared with const
Raw output
src/io/functions/iologindata_save_player.cpp:175:Variable 'db' can be declared with const
Check warning on line 637 in src/io/functions/iologindata_save_player.cpp
github-actions / cppcheck
[cppcheck] src/io/functions/iologindata_save_player.cpp#L637
Variable 'db' can be declared with const
Raw output
src/io/functions/iologindata_save_player.cpp:637:Variable 'db' can be declared with const
Check warning on line 685 in src/io/functions/iologindata_save_player.cpp
github-actions / cppcheck
[cppcheck] src/io/functions/iologindata_save_player.cpp#L685
Variable 'db' can be declared with const
Raw output
src/io/functions/iologindata_save_player.cpp:685:Variable 'db' can be declared with const