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OpenGFX+ Trains

This version: {{GRF_TITLE}}


1 About
2 This NewGRF in detail
  2.1 Parameters
  2.2 Rolling stock
3 License
4 Credits
5 Development
  5.1 Obtaining the source
  5.2 Requirements
  5.3 Using the Makefile

1 About

OpenGFX+ Trains enhances the rolling stock for rail, e-rail, monorail and
maglev in a design matching OpenGFX style.

* Cargo support:
	It provides wagons which support all cargos known at the time of
	writing, many of which have their unique graphics representation.

* Auto-Refit:
	The wagons allow refitting between different cargos appropriate for
	the wagon type, depending on the change they can be even refit
	free-of-charge in a station or at a cost in a depot (i.e. when stakes
	need adding to a flatbed wagon or thorough cleaning when refitting
	from oil to water).

* Enhanced graphics:
	It also provides enhanced graphics support for multiple-unit trains
	thus that the passenger, mail and valuable wagons match the engine in
	a common livery for the SH125, Manley-Morel, Dash and Turbotrain.

* Detailed choice of available rolling stock:
	You can choose independent of the map the rolling stock for every
	climate as well as selectively enable or disable only certain
	railtypes. Select your preference in the NewGRF parameters. See
	section 2.1 for details.

* Adjust costs to match other train NewGRFs:
	OpenGFX+ Trains tries to match its purchase and running costs to other
	train NewGRFs found active. You can also set these cost factors
	manually. See section 2.1 for details.

Name of this Repo:  {{GRF_TITLE}}
Repository version: {{REPO_REVISION}}
GRF_ID:             {{GRF_ID}}
MD5 sum:            {{GRF_MD5}}

2 This NewGRF in detail

The minimum required OpenTTD version for this NewGRF is 1.2.0-beta1 or r23670.

2.1 Parameters:

Choice of rolling stock:
	This NewGRF allows you to select via parameter which engines shall be
	provided. You can choose from
	* automatic (choose by climate; default)
	* temperate
	* arctic
	* tropical
	* toyland
	* all climates
	* all climates but toyland

	Further you can choose only some railtypes, each separately selectable.
	By default all railtypes are activated:
	* rail+erail
	* monorail
	* maglev

Purchase and running costs can be configured:
	You can either manuall select the level of running and purchase costs
	with respect to the default values or let the NewGRF automatically con-
	figure these costs. In the presence of other rail NewGRFs it will try
	to adjust these costs in order to match the other set(s). It will try
	to match in the following order (last set wins):

	- NARS2 (North American Renewal Trainset, grfID 44440302)
	- UKRS2 (UK Renewal Trainset (grfID 44440111)
	- Tropical Refurbishment Set (grfID 44444040
	- 2cc Trainset v2 (grfID 27711003)
	- Japanese Trainset v2 (grfID 535A0D00)
	- Swedish Trains (grfID 41490006)

2.2 Rolling stock

2.2.1 Engines
The engines are mostly the same as the default vehicles as shipped with
OpenTTD's base sets. Differences are:

- Multiple units with special liveries for wagons:
	SH125, Dash, Manley-Morel, Turbotrain, T.I.M, Asiastar.
- Turbotrain is shorter than in base sets:
	its engine and passenger and mail wagons are 7/8 length.

2.2.2 Wagons
The number of wagons has been reduced with respect to the default
wagons, but they can now be refitted, so that for every cargo within
the game you'll find at least one wagon which supports transporting it:

Passenger wagons:
 • Refit: free at stations and depots
 • Cargos:
     Passengers and tourists.

Mail wagons:
 • Refit: None available
 • Cargos:

Armoured wagons:
 • Refit: free at stations and depots
 • Cargos:
     Mail, gold, diamonds, and valuables

Bulk wagon:
 • Refit:
     • To cargos in the same group at stations and depots
     • To cargos in different groups in depots at normal costs
 • Cargos:
     • Dirty group:
       Bauxite, cement, clay, coal, copper ore, fertiliser, gravel, iron ore,
       limestone, lumber, recyclables, rubber, sand, scrap metal and sulphur.
       Refits in stops are free.
     • Clean group:
       Cereal, cotton candy, fibre crops, fruit, fruit and vegetables, grain,
       maize, oil seeds, sugar, sugar beet, sugar cane, toffee and wheat.
       Refits in stops cost half.

Flatbed wagons:
 • Refit:
     • To cargos in the same group at stations and depots for free.
     • To cargos in different groups at depots at normal cost.
 • Cargos:
     • Vehicles group:
       Engineering supplies, farm supplies and vehicles.
     • Containers group:
       Building materials, bricks, dyes, fertiliser, glass, goods,
       manufacturing supplies, sweets.
     • Stakes group:
       Batteries, bubbles, copper, fizzy drinks, lumber, metal, paper,
       petrol, plastic, refined products, steel, and wood.

Livestock wagon:
 • Refit: None available
 • Cargo:

Piece goods wagon:
 • Refit: Free at stations and depots.
 • Cargos:
     Alcohol, batteries, copper, dyes, engineering supplies, farm supplies,
     fizzy drinks, food, fruit, fruit and vegetables, goods, lumber,
     manufacturing supplies, paper, plastic, sweets, toys and wool.

Refrigerator wagon:
 • Special:
     Cargo carried by this vehicle ages more slowly, and therefore is paid
     better after long trips.
 • Refit: Half of the normal cost at stations and depots.
 • Cargo:
     Fish, food, fruits, fruits and vegetables, and milk.

Tank wagon:
 • Refit:
    • Free refit to cargos in the same group at stations and depots.
    • Refit to cargos in different groups at depots at normal cost.
 • Cargos:
     • Dirty group:
       Cement, chemicals, fuel oil, oil, plastic, refined products, rubber.
       Refits in stations have normal cost.
     • Clean group:
       Alcohol, Cola, dyes, fizzy drinks, milk, water.
       Refits in stations are at cost half. Can be refitted in stops to
       dirty cargos by a quarter of the normal cost.

Some wagons change their look after a certain date, new wagons will look
different from the older wagons. By default this transition year is for
rail wagons 1970.

3 License

OpenGFX+ Trains trainset for OpenTTD
Copyright (C) 2010-2011 by the OpenGFX+ Trains team (see below)

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (or, at your
discretion, any later version) as published by the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
1 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
Boston, MA 02110-1301

4 Credits

    Lead programmer:            Ingo von Borstel (aka planetmaker)
    General coding:             Graham Fairweather (aka Xotic750)
    Single contributions:
        Railtype table:         Based on Jasper Vries' (Foobar's) code from DutchTrainset

    Toyland rail wagons:        molace
    Temperate rail wagons:      DanMacK, Uzurpator, Zephyris, molace
    Tropical rail wagons:       DanMacK, Uzurpator, Zephyris, molace
    Arctic rail wagons:         DanMacK, Uzurpator, Zephyris, molace

    32bpp models & renders:     Xotic750

    Single trains and consits:
        Turner Turbo train:     DanMacK
        Flatbed wagon ENSP      Zephyris
    Cargo sprites:
        ENSP, FMSP, VEHI:       andythenorth

    Afrikaans:                  te_lanus
    Chinese (traditional)       2006TTD
    Croation:                   Voyager1
    Czech:                      Nash_CZ
    Dutch:                      Hirundo, Yexo, Alberth
    English:                    planetmaker, Alberth
    French:                     OliTTD, peetleouf
    German:                     planetmaker
    Lithuanian:                 RunisLabs
    Norwegian Bokmal:           DJNekkid
    Portuguese (Brazilian)      prppedro
    Russian                     akasoft
    Serbian:                    etran
    Spanish:                    Terkhen
    Swedish:                    AndersI

Special thanks to #openttdcoop and especially Ammler who provides and
works a lot on maintaining the Development Zone where this repository is
hosted and who also frequently gives much valuable input. Thanks also to
Alberth, Terkhen Yexo, Rubidium and Ammler who frequently give valuable
input in form of advice and patches to this project. Last but not least
thanks to all the NewGRF authors whose NewGRFs can be my playground for
this project.

5 Development

5.1 Obtaining the source

The source code can be obtained from the #openttdcoop DevZone at or via anonymous
mercurial checkout
hg clone

5.2 Requirements

In order to build this newgrf from source you need:
- python 2.5 ... 2.7 with yacc, pil, ply modules installed
- NML r1789
- make 3.80+
- gcc as pre-processor (Alternatively GNU M4 1.4.16+ for the m4 branch)
- mercurial (recommended)
- md5sum (or md5 on Mac, recommended)
- some small shell tools: cat, sed

and optionally:
- unix2dos possibly for conversion of the documentation files
- tar for creating bundles
- zip for creating bundles

Windows only:
On Windows systems this means that you'll need to install MinGW and MSys
in order to obtain a posix compatible environment. Then the makefile can
be called the very same way as it is on linux and mac systems.
MinGW/MSys contain the above mentioned programmes and can be obtained
That site also features an excellent walk-through o how to install it.

5.3 Using the Makefile

The Makefile offers different targets. A brief overview is given here:

	This is the default target, if also no parameter is given to
	make. It will simply build the grf file, if it needs building

	Re-run the dependency check. Usually not manually needed.

	Build the documentation files

	This target will create a directory called "<name>-nightly" and
	copy the grf file there and the documentation files, readme.txt,
	changelog.txt and license.txt

	This will zip the bundle directory into one zip for distribution

	This will tar the bundle directory into a tar archive for
	distribution or upload to bananas

	Creates a source bundle

	This will create a tar archive (like bundle_tar) and copy it
	into the INSTALLDIR as specified in Makefile.local (or the
	default dir, if that isn't defined). Don't rely on a good
	detection of the default installation directory. It's
	especially bound to fail on windows machines.

	This phony target cleans everything from a source bundle which
	wasn't shipped.

	This phony target will delete all files which this Makefile will

	This phony target will delete also all directories created by
	different Makefile targets

	It's a shortcut for first cleaning the dir and then making the
	grf anew.

	Check whether there are some files required but not part of the

	Check the md5sum of the built newgrf against the supplied md5sum
	(Intended to be used when building from tar balls)