These informations will help you customize and deploy your own landing page !
- navigate to GitHub and sign in/up
- click the button below
- follow onscreen instructions:
- Connect to GitHub - log in with you GitHub account
- Configure your site - change the repository name if you want
- Ensure that the build command is set, navigate to Site Settings than Build & Deploy, on the right Biuld command should be gatsby build and Publish directory should be public/. If you make this changes navigate to Deploys and click on Trigger deploy
- wait until your site is deployed
- click Set up a custom domain
- click Secure your site with HTTPS
- any change you commit on GitHub after you deploy your site for the first time will trigger a build on Netlify and your site will be updated automatically
- the site logo has two versions: light (used on site enter, when the background is darker) and dark (used when the navigation bar is white - on scroll or on small devices)
- to change the light version, save your logo to
- to change the dark version, save your logo to
- keep in mind that you can use the same logo - but you must be sure that is looks ok on the both cases
- for the best fit, try to use logos with the same size: 600x332
- to change the light version, save your logo to
- for hero image (the image that appears on the first section of the site, on the background, save the new image in
.- for the best result, try to use an image with almost the same size as the original one (1645x1398) and transparent background.
- you can also change the favicon from
- this is also used on mobile phones as an icon.- make sure that the image is big enough and square formatted, so that the quality is good everywhere.
- for footer image (the image that appears on the bottom of the page, replace the next new image from
.- for the best result, try to use an image with almost the same size as the original one (350x150).
- open file from
and edit the variables as follows:- $nav-bar-default-color - default background color for the navigation bar
- $nav-bar-light-color - background color of the navigation bar when the page is scrolled down
- $header-color - color used for headings/subtitles
- $text-color-dark - text color for light backgrounds
- $text-color-light - text color for dark backgrounds
- $pricing-card-bg-color - pricing card background color
- $primary-color - the primary color - used as background for some buttons and widgets
- $primary-light-color - a lighter primary color - used for some borders or effects
- $secondary-color - the secondary color - used on some secondary buttons
- $intent-success - success notification background color
- $intent-error - error notification background color
- $bar-btn-hover-text-color - hover text color for the "Buy now" button from the app bar
- $bar-btn-hover-bg-color - hover background color for the "Buy now" button from the app bar
- $hero-gradient - background color used in the first section of each page
- $footer-gradient - background gradient used in footer
- $pricing-gradient - background gradient for pricing section
- $sections-gradient - background gradient for all other sections (which are not transparent)
- $reviews-bg-color - background color for reviews bubbles
- ... more details in the file
- open file from
and edit the following constant:- THIS_SITE_DOMAIN - the current domain name of this site
- open file from
and edit the constants as follows:- MEMBERS_URL - your domain url
- SITE_NAME - site name that appears in the footer
- TOS_SITE_NAME - site/company name that appears in terms of service
- TOS_LAST_UPDATE - last update of terms of service
- TAWK_TO_WIDGET_URL - the link of your chat widget
- BACKEND_URL - your backend services url
- SEO_DESCRIPTION - your site description - used by search engines
- SEO_KEYWORDS - your site keywords - used by search engines
- ... more details in the file
- navigate to Tawk To
- click on Sign up button and create a new account
- after you sign in, in the left menu you will find a cog icon with a tooltip Admin
- you should have a default widget which can be customized as you wish: you just have to click on Widget Settings and change the settings as you need
- make sure that
Hide widget on load
is that it fits the app settings - save the settings and copy the chat link from Widget Code. It should look similar to this one
- in
paste the new link in TAWK_TO_WIDGET_URL constant - you can now receive messages in the chat. You will find all your messages under the Messages menu
- install git
- clone your repository in your local machine
git clone "github_url"
- go to the project's folder on your local machine
- run the following commands in terminal:
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git pull upstream master
git push