Releases: openworm/org.geppetto
Geppetto Release 1.0.0 alpha
Install Instructions | Documentation | Live deployment
New in release 1.0.0-alpha:
- Geppetto client factoring out. The web application was split out from the Java backend allowing Geppetto to be used also on other backends. (@rodriguez-facundo
- Initial support for FlexLayout (@ddelpiano)
- Refactor Geppetto Demo application to use React declarative instantiation (@ddelpiano)
- New menu component (@ddelpiano)
- Javascript codebase linting (@rodriguez-facundo)
- Typescript support (@ddelpiano)
- Volatile simulations support (@jrmartin)
- Canvas bug fixes (@jrmartin, @ddelpiano, @Robbie1977)
Part of the work in this release was supported by:
- MetaCell
- Virtual Fly Brain and Wellcome Trust
- Open Source Brain and Wellcome Trust
- NetPyNE and NIH and NYS
Geppetto Release 0.4.2
Install Instructions | Documentation | Live deployment
New in release 0.4.2:
- Update Virgo to 3.7.2 (Java 8 support) (@jrmartin
, @tarelli)
- Update org.geppetto.frontend.jupyter to use the latest Jupyter Notebook (@adrianq)
- Python synchronisation mechanism refactoring (@adrianq, @tarelli)
- Refactor UI components to support React declarative instantiation (@ddelpiano)
- Continuous deployment for live deployments (@tarelli)
- Handle WebSockets disconnections (@jrmartin)
Part of the work in this release was supported by:
- MetaCell
- Virtual Fly Brain and Wellcome Trust
- NetPyNE and NIH and NYS
- Open Source Brain and Wellcome Trust
Geppetto Release 0.4.1
Install Instructions | Documentation | Live deployment
New in release 0.4.1:
- Add OpenCPU support (@ddelpiano, @robbie1977)
- Add Owlery support (@ddelpiano, @robbie1977)
- Improve Python connectors (@adrianq, @tarelli, @rodriguez-facundo)
- Add deserialiser to Pygeppetto (@afonsobspinto)
- Python 3 compatibility (@aranega, @afonsobspinto, @gidili)
- Generate latest Python API (@aranega)
- Various bug fixing (@ddelpiano, @robbie1977, @jrmartin, @mattearnshaw, @rodriguez-facundo, @afonsobspinto)
Part of the work in this release was supported by:
Geppetto Release 0.4.0
Install Instructions | Documentation | Live deployment
New in release 0.4.0:
- Added analysis capabilities to plotting widget (@mattearnshaw)
- Tabbed drawer rewriting (@ddelpiano)
- Added NeuroPAL sample (@tarelli)
- Increase UI automated tests coverage and stability(@jrmartin, @ddelpiano)
Part of the work in this release was supported by:
Release 0.3.9
Install Instructions | Documentation | Live deployment
New in release 0.3.9:
- Connections resolving performance improvements (@mattearnshaw)
- Python controlled capabilities (@adrianq, @tarelli)
- Increase UI automated tests coverage and stability(@jrmartin)
- Geppetto manager refactoring (@tarelli)
- Add multidimensional time series support (@tarelli)
- Add particles animation support (@tarelli)
- Connectivity widget improvements (@mattearnshaw)
- Geppetto configuration extension (@jrmartin)
- Various bug fixing (@jrmartin, @mattearnshaw, @adrianq, @gidili, @Robbie1977)
- PyGeppetto compatible with both Python 2 and 3 (@aranega)
- Better mobile support for dashboard (@tarelli)
- NeuroML support improvements (@pgleeson, @mattearnshaw)
Part of the work in this release was supported by:
Release 0.3.8
Install Instructions | Documentation | Live deployment
New in release 0.3.8:
- Improved loading time a.k.a. chunks refactoring (@tarelli)
- Console refactoring (@gidili)
- Camera rotation on z axis (@tarelli)
- Update to THREE.js r87 (@tarelli)
- Button bar refactoring (@jrmartin)
- NeuroML support improvements (@pgleeson, @mattearnshaw)
- NeuroML HDF5 connections support (@pgleeson, @mattearnshaw)
- Various bug fixing (@jrmartin, @mattearnshaw, @adrianq, @gidili, @Robbie1977)
Part of the work in this release was supported by:
Geppetto Release 0.3.7
Install Instructions | Documentation | Live deployment
New in release 0.3.7:
- Automated UI tests executed as part of the build (@jrmartin)
- Geppetto custom themes (@adrianq)
- Geppetto build configuration refactoring (@adrianq)
- Connectivity widget usability improvements (@mattearnshaw)
- Added NetPyNE support (@pgleeson)
- Integrate new NeuroML libraries 1.5.2 (@pgleeson)
Part of the work in this release was supported by:
Geppetto Release 0.3.6
Install Instructions | Documentation | Live deployment
New in release 0.3.6-alpha:
- Create and run batch experiments (@gidili, @tarelli, @jrmartin)
- Download project (@jrmartin, @tarelli)
- Improved widget architecture based on React (@adrianq)
- Widgets state is now persisted in either the database or the browser local storage (@gidili, @tarelli, @jrmartin)
- Additional NeuroML exposures (@mattearnshaw)
- 3D canvas factored out as component (@tarelli)
- Improved tutorial widget, allows for multiple chapters and external HTML content (@tarelli, @gidili, @jrmartin)
- Plot widget option to show/hide legend (@gidili)
- Plot widget now saves images with white background and black text (@jrmartin)
- Units Controller now allows extension to overwrite unit labels (@jrmartin)
- Integrate new NeuroML libraries 1.5.1 (@pgleeson)
- New Casper automated tests for UI (@jrmartin)
Database and user accounts support requires a Geppetto deployment inclusive of org.geppetto.persistence and MySQL database installed, see instructions to set it up.
Running of NEURON simulations requires a deployment with org.geppetto.simulator.external and NEURON installed in the server.
Part of the work in this release was supported by:
Geppetto Release 0.3.5
Install Instructions | Documentation | Live deployment
New in release 0.3.5-alpha:
- Removing vendor libraries, transition to npm for frontend dependencies management (@adrianq, @tarelli, @gidili)
- Removing Bower and Grunt, using WebPack to bundle Geppetto (@adrianq, @tarelli)
- Camera rotates around selected object (@tarelli)
- Geppetto Jupyter now available through PIP (@adrianq)
- Expose calcium state variables in NeuroML models (@mattearnshaw)
- Improve synchronization between Python and Javascript in Jupyter extension (@adrianq)
Database and user accounts support requires a Geppetto deployment inclusive of org.geppetto.persistence and MySQL database installed, see instructions to set it up.
Running of NEURON simulations requires a deployment with org.geppetto.simulator.external and NEURON installed in the server.
Part of the work in this release was supported by:
Geppetto Release 0.3.4
Install Instructions | Documentation | Live deployment
New in release 0.3.4-alpha:
- Control panel filter bar (@gidili, @tarelli, @jrmartin)
- Admin panel (@jrmartin)
- Geppetto model Python API (@aranega
- Synchronise Geometries with Python (@adrianq)
- Share project (@jrmartin, @tarelli)
- NeuroML model interpreter to use static parameters (@gidili, @tarelli)
- Bug fixing (@jrmartin, @tarelli, @gidili, @adrianq, @mattearnshaw)
Database and user accounts support requires a Geppetto deployment inclusive of org.geppetto.persistence and MySQL database installed, see instructions to set it up.
Running of NEURON simulations requires a deployment with org.geppetto.simulator.external and NEURON installed in the server.
† The Jupyter notebook extension and the and Node.js bundle are experimental mocked backends the frontend can connect to.
Part of the work in this release was supported by: