Sibernetic release v0.0.3
Installation instructions and addition information can be found here
What's new from release v0.0.2.1
- Add LeapFrog integration method
- Add possibility choose integration method in command prompt (i.e. ./Relese/Sibernetic leapfrog) default method is semi-implicit Euler
- Add possibility change time step of simulation (i.e. ./Relese/Sibernetic timestep=0.00001)
- Add possibility define time limit of simulation work in seconds (i.e. ./Relese/Sibernetic timelimit=0.1) if it doesn't defined simulation works until you turn it off
In release v0.0.3
- Renamed repository from Smoothed-Particle-Hydrodynamics to sibernetic
- Loading configuartion from one file
- Added ability run configuration defined in [**command arguments**](https://github.com/openworm/sibernetic/blob/development/README.md#run-simulation-from-configuration-file)
- Added worm body model configuration (configuration/worm)
- Added ability make [**snapshots**](https://github.com/openworm/sibernetic/blob/development/README.md#control-in-graphical-mode) of current configuration
- Extended information content in help
- Resolved problem of displayng name of device when using GPU
- Now when sibernetic loging to file sibernetic doesn't turn off graphics