BREAKING: This version requires updates to the virtual machine. 'vagrant up --provision' must be run after 'git pull'.
BREAKING: VI-Firmware 8.0.0 is not backwards compatable due to memory management updates and must be used with OpenXC-Python 2.0.0 or greater.
Update: Update Travis to Bionic.
Update: Update Vagrant to Bionic.
Update: Update Vagrant to dynamically allocate vcpus based on host cpu count.
Update: Update vm to use python3.
Fix: Out of memory error, drastically reduced memory cost per message.
Fix: Fix gitdir for submodules allowing host machine to still use git on vi-firmware.
Fix: Cleaned up multiple imports of the isotp and uds-c.
Fix: Fix bug with ignition detection.
Feature: Added code to remove signals.cpp when compiling emulator firmware.
Feature: Added checks to vm for old python and vm versions.
Feature: Added the ability for the user to set the pin on the bluetooth module.
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