OpenProject 13.3.1
Release date: 2024-02-28
We released OpenProject 13.3.1.
The release contains several bug fixes and we recommend updating to the newest version.
Bug fixes and changes
- Bugfix: Work package status % is not added up for parents [#33961]
- Bugfix: Consent always shown in Browser language despite user's language being set differently [#52287]
- Bugfix: Dynamics meetings: improve readability of agenda items (quote vs. normal text) [#52519]
- Bugfix: Ckeditor deletes editor content on firefox [#52641]
- Bugfix: Work package title not readable on smaller screens [#52671]
- Bugfix: Queries are not highlighted in the menu [#52758]
- Bugfix: When multi select user custom fields are truncated, the associated tooltip contains incorrect data. [#52765]
- Bugfix: Migration fails when default language is pt-BR [#52805]
- Bugfix: Onboarding tour displays permission error [#52826]
- Bugfix: Seeding the BIM edition in a development environment fails [#52906]
- Bugfix: Storages automatic project folders is exhausting file descriptors on workers [#52928]
- Bugfix: Users who booked unit costs cannot be deleted [#53038]
A big thanks to community members for reporting bugs and helping us identifying and providing fixes.
Special thanks for reporting and finding bugs go to
Dennis St.