This is a Hammerspoon Config, originally based on @mgee's (mgee/dotfiles/hammerspoon).
It's written in Moonscript, enjoy.
The following rocks are required:
luarocks install moses
luarocks install moonscript
Resize and Move modes are now just cursor operated, Vi and Emacs shorcuts are removed, I did this assuming resize and move modes are probably unused, and I want more keys in this layer/mode to add macros. (If you are using hjkl or fbnp to resize or move, open an issue)
Center window (half height, half width) within modal mode
- Modal mode + D = Half height, half width window of display size, centered.
Centered & Wide centered (full height) size + position within Resize and Moving Mode.
- Move or Resize Mode + C = Full height, half width window of display size, centered.
- Move or Resize Mode + B = Full height, 6/8ths width window of display size, centered.
Full Width - Resize Mode + W
Half Width - Resize Mode + H
Full Height - Resize Mode + T
- Cleaned up README
- git ignore usr/ folder (so that local tree of luarocks can be installed without storage in repo)
- Nice, but too annoying when editing the config.
- Modal selection of apps. Cmd + Opt + a
- iTerm2 - t
- Emacs - e
- MacVim - v
- Finder - f
- Google Chrome - c
- Added toggle wifi
- Added animated splash
- Added modal application selection Cmd + Alt + a -> [v]im, [t]erm, [e]macs, [c]hrome, [f]inder
- Switch to newly launched Chrome - MASH + =
- (ie. for jasmine / rspec test browser instance)
- Set grid to 8w x 6h
- Added moses (underscore for Lua)
- Modal resizing and moving
- Vim / Emacs / arrow direction key support h, j, k / C-p, C-n, C-b, C-f
- Show a banner while modes are active
- Don't use alerts
- You're looking at it.
Modal move/resize/position modes <<<<<<< HEAD
MASH (Cmd + Ctrl + Opt) hotkeys for position, size, app switching
- iTerm2 MASH + t
- Emacs MASH + e
- MacVim MASH + v
- Finder MASH + f
- Google Chrome MASH + c
Move/Size to quater screen
- Top-left MASH + q
- Top-right MASH + w
- Bottom-left MASH + a
- Bottom-left MASH + s
Move/Size MASH + up, down, left, right move/size to half screen position
Maximize MASH + SPACE
snap all to grid MASH + </kbd>
Grid 6h x 4w
Cmd+Alt (modal) 1, 2, 3 - position, size, move (Enter to end mode) =======
Mash (cmd,ctrl,opt) hotkeys for position, size, app switching
Apps iTerm2 (mash + t)
Emacs (mash + e)
MacVim (mash + v)
Finder (mash + f)
Google Chrome (mash + g)
mash + q,w,a,s move to quater screen size/position
mash + up, down, left, right move/size to half screen position
mash + space maximize
mash + \ snap all to grid
grid is 6h x 4w
Cmd+Alt (modal) 1,2,3 - position, size, move (Enter to end mode)
Add tall / wide