- Transfer SUI & Custom Coin
- Request faucet from devnet, testnet
- Stake SUI
- Compatible with programmable transaction
- Publish move packages
- Advanced features: multi-accounts.
1, Install the package
npm install
2, Install SUI cli (optional: only needed for publishing packages)
Please refer to the official documentation: How to install SUI cli
You can use SuiKit to transfer SUI and other coins.
* This is an example of using SuiKit to transfer coins from one account to another.
import { SuiKit } from 'sui-kit';
const secretKey = '<Secret key>';
const suiKit = new SuiKit({ secretKey });
const recipient = '0xCAFE';
suiKit.transferSui(recipient, 1000).then(() => console.log('transfered 1000 SUI'));
suiKit.transferCoin(recipient, 1000, '0xCOFFEE::coin::COIN').then(
() => console.log('transfered 1000 COIN')
You can use SuiKit to request faucet from devnet or testnet.
import { SuiKit } from 'sui-kit';
const secretKey = '<Secret key>';
const suiKit = new SuiKit({ secretyKey, networkType: 'devnet' });
suiKit.requestFaucet().then(() => {
console.log('Faucet request success');
You can use SuiKit to stake SUI.
* This is an example of using SuiKit to stake SUI
import { SuiKit } from 'sui-kit';
const secretKey = '<Secret key>';
const suiKit = new SuiKit({ secretyKey, networkType: 'devnet' });
const stakeAmount = 1000;
const validatorAddress = '0x123';
suiKit.stakeSui(stakeAmount, validatorAddress).then(() => {
console.log('Stake SUI success');
With programmable transaction, you can send a transaction with multiple actions. The following example shows how to transfer SUI to multiple accounts in one transaction.
* This example shows how to use programmable transaction with SuiKit
import { SuiKit, TransactionBlock } from 'sui-kit';
const secretKey = '<Secret key>';
const suiKit = new SuiKit({ secretKey });
// build a transaction block to send coins to multiple accounts
const tx = new TransactionBlock();
const recipients = ['0x123', '0x456', '0x789'];
recipients.forEach(recipient => {
const [coin] = tx.splitCoins(tx.gas, [tx.pure(1000)]);
tx.transferObjects([coin], tx.pure(recipient));
// send the transaction block
suiKit.signAndSendTxn(tx).then(response => {
console.log('Transaction digest: ' + response.digest);
You can use SuiKit to publish move packages to the SUI network. Notice: you need to install SUI cli first. (see Pre-requisites)
* This is an example of using SuiKit to publish a move package
import { SuiKit } from "sui-kit";
(async() => {
const secretKey = '<Secret key>';
const suiKit = new SuiKit({ secretKey, networkType: 'devnet' });
const balance = await suiKit.getBalance();
if (balance.totalBalance <= 3000) {
await suiKit.requestFaucet();
// Wait for 3 seconds before publish package
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(true), 3000));
const packagePath = path.join(__dirname, './example/sample_move/custom_coin');
const result = await suiKit.publishPackage(packagePath);
console.log('packageId: ' + result.packageId);
SuiKit follows bip32 & bip39 standard, so you can use it to manage multiple accounts. When init SuiKit, you can pass in your mnemonics to create a wallet with multiple accounts.
* This is an example of using SuiKit to manage multiple accounts.
import { SuiKit } from 'sui-kit'
async function checkAccounts(suiKit: SuiKit) {
const displayAccounts = async (suiKit: SuiKit, accountIndex: number) => {
const coinType = '0x2::sui::SUI'
const addr = suiKit.getAddress({accountIndex})
const balance = (await suiKit.getBalance(coinType, {accountIndex})).totalBalance
console.log(`Account ${accountIndex}: ${addr} has ${balance} SUI`)
// log the first 10 accounts
const numAccounts = 10
for (let i = 0; i < numAccounts; i++) {
await displayAccounts(suiKit, i)
async function internalTransferSui(suiKit: SuiKit, fromAccountIndex: number, toAccountIndex: number, amount: number) {
const toAddr = suiKit.getAddress({accountIndex: toAccountIndex })
console.log(`Transfer ${amount} SUI from account ${fromAccountIndex} to account ${toAccountIndex}`)
return await suiKit.transferSui(toAddr, amount, {accountIndex: fromAccountIndex})
const mnemonics = process.env.MNEMONICS;
const suiKit = new SuiKit({ mnemonics })
checkAccounts(suiKit).then(() => {})
// transfer 1000 SUI from account 0 to account 1
internalTransferSui(suiKit, 0, 1, 1000).then(() => {})