This project intends to provide proof of concept to predict schedulability analysis using deep learning methods. A special type of RNN called LSTM is used.
Softwares and deep learning frameworks used:
- Python 3.7.2
- cuDNN 7.5
- Keras 2.2.4
- Pandas 0.24.2
- Scikit-learn 0.20.3
- tqdm 4.31.01
- CUDA 10.1
- Tensorflow-gpu 1.13.1
- graphviz 2.40
1. Data selection and target variables_ The first step is to preprocess the data. The database was imported and transformed into .csv files using DB Browser for SQLite ( Only 6 features were selected from Tasks: 1. Task Priority: Integer 2. Task Period: Integer 3. Task PKG: String 4. Task Arg: Integer 5. Task Critical time: Integer 6. Number of Jobs: Integer From Jobs only one feature was selected: Job Exit_Value: String. After exporting all tables, start with Line 165 is responsible for the length of the feature vector. Feature and labels are save in the end.
2. Training: When using CPU, install Tensorflow and replace CuDNNLSTM with LSTM
3. Evaluation: Evaluation prints the confusion matrix and classification report. Tensorboard can be launched by typing tensorboard -–logdir=logs/ into the terminal and logs from trained models can be visualized
4. Prediction: A CSV file will be save with actual and predictied values. The trained model should be loaded first.
5. Plotting: Another way to visualize the model built.
6. Optimization: