This repository is intentionally empty, with only a Readme file. Your task if to submit a Pull Request with your version of implementing the task, and your PR will be reviewed by someone on our team.
You need to create a store locator system with the following funtional features:
LARAVEL Project (Must be PHP >= 8.1) LEAFLET GOOGLE MAP - MASERU MAP (Show at least 15 locations)
Store types:
- Spaza (Red marker)
- Container (Blue marker)
- Stand alone (Black marker)
- Inside Mall (Green marker)
- Hawker (Purple marker)
Guest user view:
- Navbar: Company logo and name (left side), Login (right side)
- Full map with Stores on Map
Authenticated admin user:
- Navbar: Company logo and name (left side), Name and surname of admin user (right side) with dropdown menu (Profile - Shows basic Admin details - Check account setting below, Logout)
Sidebar with these page links:
Dashboard (Default landing page): Shows a full map with stores as map points.
- Address search
- Filter points based on type of store
- Point Legend on Map (Store types)
- Click on Point - Show (Name, Address, Telephone, Photo, Tags at the bottom of the InfoWindow)
Manage Points:
- Manage (meaning, create/update/delete) stores
- Bulk import of stores from an excel file (User must select matching columns from excel)
- Store fields:
- Name
- Address
- Telephone
- Longitude
- Latitude
- Type (Spaza, Container, Stand Alone, Inside Mall, Hawker)
- Photo
- Tags (ex. New lead, Customer, Negotiation)
Account settings:
Company section
- Company Name
- Company Logo
- Website
- Telephone Number
Personal section
- Name and surname
- Position
- Gender
- Email address
- Telephone Number
- Password management
Manage (meaning, create/update/delete) Store Types
Manage tags
For Auth Starter Kit, use Laravel Breeze (Tailwind) or Laravel UI (Bootstrap)
DB Structure:
- Store name (required), Telephone (required), Type (required), Address - full text (required), Longitude and Latitude (required) and image to upload (required)
Here's the list of features you need to try to implement in your code:
Routing and Controllers: Basics
- Callback Functions and Route::view()
- Routing to a Single Controller Method
- Route Parameters
- Route Naming
- Route Groups
Blade Basics
- Displaying Variables in Blade
- Blade If-Else and Loop Structures
- Blade Loops
- Layout: @include, @extends, @section, @yield
- Blade Components
Auth Basics
- Default Auth Model and Access its Fields from Anywhere
- Check Auth in Controller / Blade
- Auth Middleware
Database Basics
- Database Migrations
- Basic Eloquent Model and MVC: Controller -> Model -> View
- Eloquent Relationships: belongsTo / hasMany / belongsToMany
- Eager Loading and N+1 Query Problem
Full Simple CRUD
- Route Resource and Resourceful Controllers
- Forms, Validation and Form Requests
- File Uploads and Storage Folder Basics
- Table Pagination