This repository is intentionally empty, with only a Readme file. Your task if to submit a Pull Request with your version of implementing the task, and your PR will be reviewed by someone on our team.
You need to create a personal blog with just three pages:
- Homepage: List of articles
- Article page
- Some static text page like "About me"
Also, there should be a Login mechanism (but no Register) for the author to write articles:
- Manage (meaning, create/update/delete) categories
- Manage tags
- Manage articles
- For Auth Starter Kit, use Laravel Breeze (Tailwind) or Laravel UI (Bootstrap) - that starter kit will have some design, which is enough: the design is irrelevant for accomplishing the task
DB Structure:
- Article has title (required), full text (required) and image to upload (optional)
- Article may have only one category, but may have multiple tags
Here's the list of features you need to try to implement in your code:
Routing and Controllers: Basics
- Callback Functions and Route::view()
- Routing to a Single Controller Method
- Route Parameters
- Route Naming
- Route Groups
Blade Basics
- Displaying Variables in Blade
- Blade If-Else and Loop Structures
- Blade Loops
- Layout: @include, @extends, @section, @yield
- Blade Components
Auth Basics
- Default Auth Model and Access its Fields from Anywhere
- Check Auth in Controller / Blade
- Auth Middleware
Database Basics
- Database Migrations
- Basic Eloquent Model and MVC: Controller -> Model -> View
- Eloquent Relationships: belongsTo / hasMany / belongsToMany
- Eager Loading and N+1 Query Problem
Full Simple CRUD
- Route Resource and Resourceful Controllers
- Forms, Validation and Form Requests
- File Uploads and Storage Folder Basics
- Table Pagination