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parametron 4.0.2

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$ npm install @mediafellows/parametron@4.0.2
Install via package.json:
"@mediafellows/parametron": "4.0.2"

About this version


library providing a simple interface to set/update/remove filters (parametrize) on search requests


import { createParametron, IParametronData, IParametronApi } from '@mediafellows/parametron';

const parametron = createParametron({
  executor: (opts) => chipmunk.action('pm.product', 'search', opts),
  schema: productListSchema,
  init: (api: IParametronApi) => {
    api.setParams({ only_roots: 'false' });
    api.setPersistentFilter('id', 'in', productIds);
  update: (data: IParametronData) => {
    console.log('got data, see here', data);


export interface IParametronOpts {
  executor: (opts: IActionOpts) => Promise<IResult>
  stats?: string
  schema?: string
  init?: (api: Parametron) => void
  update?: (data: IParametronData) => void
  • executor: function that performs the request, result must implement the chipmunk interface IResult
  • stats: (optional) aggregation sets to be requested
  • schema: (optional) schema to be resolved via chipmunk eventually, this isn't used by parametron itself, it's passed through to the executor only
  • init: (optional) function that receives the api as an argument and can be used to setup initial parameters / filters
  • update: (optional) function which is called with data on any data change.

api interface

export interface IParametronApi {
  getAggregations(attribute: string): any[]
  getFilters(attribute?: string, method?: string): any
  getFilterValues(attribute: string, method: string): any

  setFilter(attribute: '_', method: 'q', search: string): IParametronApi
  setFilter(attribute: string, method: 'match' | 'eq' | 'ne', value: string | number | boolean): IParametronApi
  setFilter(attribute: string, method: 'in' | 'not_in', values: Array<string | number> | string | number): IParametronApi
  setFilter(attribute: string, method: 'range', start: number | string, end: number| string): IParametronApi
  setFilter(attribute: string, method: 'exist' | 'not_exist'): IParametronApi
  dropFilters(attribute?: string, method?: string): IParametronApi

  setPersistentFilter(attribute: '_', method: 'q', search: string): IParametronApi
  setPersistentFilter(attribute: string, method: 'match' | 'eq' | 'ne', value: string | number | boolean): IParametronApi
  setPersistentFilter(attribute: string, method: 'in' | 'not_in', values: Array<string | number> | string | number): IParametronApi
  setPersistentFilter(attribute: string, method: 'range', start: number | string, end: number| string): IParametronApi
  setPersistentFilter(attribute: string, method: 'exist' | 'not_exist'): IParametronApi

  setParams(params: any): IParametronApi
  dropParams(...keys: string[]): IParametronApi

  fire(): Promise<IParametronData>

  pristine(): boolean


returns aggregations (if requested, see Options#stats) by name


returns currently applied filters, optionally can be filtered by attribute name or search method

// assuming we previously set these filters:
api.setFilter('access_level', 'exist')
api.setFilter('access_level', 'in', ['company', 'viewable'])

// => returns:
// [
//   ['access_level', 'exist'],
//   ['access_level', 'in', ['company', 'viewable']
// ]


returns only the values of the first matching currently applied filter

// Example 1:
// api.getFilterValues('_', 'q')
// => 'Foo' // (the search string)
// Example 2:
// api.getFilterValues('year_of_production', 'range')
// => [1900, 2008]


supports these search methods:

  • q
  • match, eq, ne
  • in, not_in
  • range
  • exist, not_exist

also see mpx-core...filter/ops.rb

sets/updates a filter. clears existing filters on attribute / search method first. this also applies to related search methods, i.e. a new match filter clears existing filters of type match, eq + ne for the same attribute.


removes currently applied filters matching attribute / search method.
removes all filters if no attribute / search method given.


sets/updates a persistent filter. persistent filters cannot be dropped by design. this is useful for example to retain filters intact that are necessary for the context (e.g. filter by group id when displaying group products; filter by product id when querying for assets of a product), while still allowing the user to remove all optional current filters via dropFilters


sets/updates additional params to be added to the request, like pagination params:

// e.g.
api.setParams({ per: 12, page: 3, sort: 'updated_at', order: 'desc' })


allows to drop certain params by name

// e.g.
api.dropParams('per', 'sort')


instructs parametron to start a request via the configured executor with the current filters / params. returns a promise of type Promise<IParametronData>. also, the update callback is called with the same data on resolve, if configured.


returns true if no filters are currently applied.



  • parametron-4.0.2.tgz

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