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This is a discussion forum regarding ABCD data. Note that this forum is designed by and for external users to engage in open conversations and exchange ideas related to ABCD data use. The forum serves as a platform for discussions, but the content and opinions expressed may not always be validated or endorsed by ABCD.
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🌏 Where in the World is…? (Help) Discussions
Looking for a specific measure? Wondering how to score a measure? Need more information on how an analysis in an abcd paper was done?
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You must be logged in to vote 🌏 comprehensive medication/therapy data?
mental healthMental health measures -
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You must be logged in to vote 🌏 KSADS background data dictionary typo?
mental healthMental health measures -
You must be logged in to vote 🌏 Listing/counting subject IDs in ABCD
help wantedExtra attention is needed -
You must be logged in to vote 🌏 Parent-reported physical activity during COVID-19 substudy?
physical healthPhysical health measures -
You must be logged in to vote 🌏 ksads sum scores?
mental healthMental health measures -
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You must be logged in to vote 🌏 ABCD data management contact info?
bugSomething isn't working -
You must be logged in to vote 🌏 ODD/CD KSADS in FU3 confusion
mental healthMental health measures -
You must be logged in to vote 🌏 CBCL Scoring Instructions
mental healthMental health measures -
You must be logged in to vote 🌏 Missing youth KSADS y4 data?
mental healthMental health measures -
You must be logged in to vote 🌏 ksads - "past" diagnoses?
mental healthMental health measures -
You must be logged in to vote 🌏 Is tractography available?
DTIDiffusion tensor imaging imagingImaging related discussions -
You must be logged in to vote 🌏 KSADS PTSD Questions
mental healthMental health measures -
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You must be logged in to vote 🌏 ksads youth 3-year follow-up on release 5.1?
mental healthMental health measures -
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You must be logged in to vote 🌏 5.1 Download - Missing Folders?
Release 5.0ABCD Release 5.0 -
You must be logged in to vote 🌏 duplicate data in ABCD 5.0 Quality Control - Recommended Image Inclusion data (mri_y_qc_incl)
imagingImaging related discussions Release 5.0ABCD Release 5.0