I'm Oriol, an enthusiastic Computer Science and Business Administration graduate with both practical and theoretical knowledge, hard-working and highly motivated. Currently, pursuing a MSc in Data Science in order to be able to tackle the new challenges that organizations will face.
Here you can find some projects (DISCLAIMER: Not updatet for last projects) I've made on my free-time and for college assignments:
I wanted to do something visual but, at the same time, I wanted to implement algorithms so I decided to do a A* PathFinder Visualizer. Later on I decided to improve this project by adding more features:
β‘ (Original idea) Be able to draw the walls and erase them and select the initial and end point and the algorithm will find the shortest path.
β‘ Possibility of adding checkpoints instead of an end point and the algorithm will find out the shortest path between all of them (Travelling Salesman Problem).
β‘ Zoom. Possibility of making the grid smaller or bigger and be able to zoom-in and be able to draw or erase with more detail.
The project was done interely in Python, using pygame library for the interface.
It was a university project for the course of "Networks" it consisted on creating a server file made with C and a client made with Python. We had to follow a connection protocol that included a register phase, a connection-maintenance phase and, finally, a data exchange phase. All the phases were complete enough so the program recognised wrong packages and knew how to deal with them.
The topics we have to deal with when working with the project were: Multithreading in C and Python, communication with pipes, UDP and TCP connections, packing and unpacking of data in different types of PDU's (Protocol Data Units), pointers...
All the debugging messages, the report and the project's statement are in Catalan but the code, function names and variable names, are in English.
It was also a university project, it was an introduction to web developing using Django and we had to do a website with different entities. Those entitites had to be related between them with One-to-Many and Many-to-May relationships. Also we had to be able to create, modify and delete those instancies.
Another important goal of this project was the deployment. We used Docker. You can check the repo with all the instructions fo th deployment here: Repo here! π«
I have made other "minor" projects such as: an Unbeatable Tic-Tac-Toe, projects where I worked with Design Patterns, JUnit testing,...