Mainly bugfixes related to previous release, but also brings back Dropbox support.
- Settings: Corrections of some paddings in main window
- Settings: Updated compability
- CoreWM: Fixed an invalid self-reference in DigitalClock
- CoreWM: Updated compability
- VFS: Dropbox now supports find() (#28)
- VFS: Added Dropbox v2 support (#28)
- VFS: Now possible to override 'osjs:' mountpoint
- VFS: Replaced a static mountpoint definition (onedrive)
- VFS: Replaced a static mountpoint definition (google-drive)
- GUI: Correctly check for in GUIIframe
- GUI: Prevent error on non-event fn args
- CSS: Move pointer-events block prevention decleration down to body
- server-node: Updated some documentation
- server-node: Correction in User documentation
- client: Revert to a default promise on Extension init
- client: Updated some documentation
- core: Renamed internal hooks
- utils: Added 'urlparams' method
- dom: check for native remove() support in $remove()
- process: Fixed some issues in reload()
- window-manager: Use DOM.$remove for Opera compability
- process: Removed BC kept when refactoring
- window-behaviour: Add 'data-window-hint' to body when manipulating windows
- misc: Updated locales
- misc: Updated some dotfiles
- misc: Updated INSTALL.md
- misc: Update LICENSE (Closes #604)
- misc: Updated 'Extension' package init and template
- misc: Removed bin/build-opkg.sh
- misc: Now using node:boron-alpine for Docker
- misc: Removed a beacon from README
- misc: Updated dependencies
- misc: Updated github ISSUE_TEMPLATE
- bin: Removed some defunct scripts
- bin: Updated docker image