Empower your Flutter app with seamless cart management using this powerful package. This comprehensive Flutter package offers a wide range of cart management features that simplify the process of adding, removing, and updating items in your app's cart. With its easy-to-use functionality, managing your app's cart has never been easier.
- Initialization: Initialize the flutter_cart using initializeCart() method. Pass isPersistenceSupportEnabled to true to enable persistence support.
- Add to Cart: Add products to the cart with the addToCart method.
- Update Quantity: Update the quantity of the items e.g. increment/decrement using the updateQuantity method.
- Remove from Cart: Remove specific items from the cart using the removeItem method.
- Clear Cart: Remove all items from the cart using the clearCart method.
- Apply Discount: Apply discount on item using the applyDiscount method. Note: you can also apply a discount at the time of adding the item to the cart.
- Total Amount: Get the total amount of items in the cart using the total variable e.g. flutterCart.total.
- Subtotal: Get the subtotal amount of items in the cart using the subtotal variable e.g. flutterCart.subtotal.
- Items Count: Retrieve the total number of items in the cart using the cartLength variable e.g. flutterCart.cartLength.
- Get Item Index: Use getProductIndex method to get the item index in the cart.
- Get Specific Item: Use getSpecificProduct method to get the specific item from the cart.
- Check Persistence Support: Use getPersistenceSupportStatus method to check the persistence support status.
To use this plugin, add flutter_cart
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
sdk: flutter
This package is using shared_preferences
for persisting cart items.
first, create an instance of flutter_cart package.
// Set [isPersistenceSupportEnabled] to true to turn on the cart persistence void main() async { WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); var cart = FlutterCart(); await cart.initializeCart(isPersistenceSupportEnabled: true); runApp(MyApp()); }
// This method is called when we have to add an item to the cart // Example: void addToCart(YourProductModel product) { flutterCart.addToCart( cartModel: CartModel( // ... other parameters if [discount] is applicable and in percentage so, you can calculate the discount like this var discount = (product.discountPercentage / 100) * product.price; discount: discount, [productMeta] takes Map<String, dynamic> so, you can store your complete product data in productMeta productMeta: product.toJson()), ); }
// [updateQuantity] is used to increment/decrement the item quantity // Example: void updateQuantity(CartModel item, int newQuantity) { flutterCart.updateQuantity( item.productId, item.variants, newQuantity); }
// [removeItem] is used for removing the specific item from the cart // Example: void removeItemFromCart(CartModel item) { flutterCart.removeItem(item.productId, item.variants); }
void clearCart() { flutterCart.clearCart(); }
List<CartModel> get getCartItems => flutterCart.cartItemsList;
int get getCartCount => flutterCart.cartLength;
double get getTotalAmount => flutterCart.total;
double get subtotal => flutterCart.subtotal;