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Derek Weitzel edited this page May 2, 2014 · 11 revisions

GridR can be installed in 2 ways:

  • Downloading the source tarball and installing.
  • (Advanced) Using devtools to install from Github.

Bosco installation instructions are located on the OSG Twiki, and will not be covered here.

Downloading the source tarball

Go to the releases page, and download the latest release of GridR. Select the tar.gz file. After downloading, install the package with the command (in R):

> install.packages("~/Downloads/GridR_0.9.12.tar.gz", repos=NULL, type="source")

Replace the version number with whichever version you download.

Using devtools to install from Github

You can use devtools to get the latest GridR from github. The master branch will always be the latest release, therefore it is safe to use devtools to always get the latest release.

  1. Install the devtools package:

     > install.packages("devtools")
  2. Load the devtools library:

     > library("devtools")
  3. Install GridR from Github:

     > install_github("GridR", username="osg-bosco")

Next Steps

Next, you can take a look at a simple example of using GridR.