1. Tribute_project Tribute project is the simple web design project done on HTML and CSS as a practice project for freecodecamp.org. A tribute page on Lionel Messi.
2. Survey_project Survey project is web design project done on HTML and CSS as a practice project for freecodecamp.org. A survey project that implements the forms in HTML.
3. Product_project Product project is web design project done on HTML and CSS as a practice project for freecodecamp.org. It includes a page for selling the products (here guitar). I used HTML forms, CSS flexbox, CSS grid, and media-queries.
4. Python Documentation Python Documentation project is web design project done on HTML and CSS as a practice project for freecodecamp.org. It includes a page with the documentation of programming language Python. I used CSS flexbox, CSS grid, media-queries, and HTML tables.
5. Portfolio Portfolio is web design project done on HTML and CSS as a practice project for freecodecamp.org. It includes a page with my portfolio with links to my projects and social media sites. I used HTML and CSS for the project.
ChatBot Chatbot that can organize small games and can engage you for a while in the conversation.