A complete web application using FastApi, SQLAlchemy, SQLite, and Jinja2 Templates
Developed by: Dr. Osman Khalid
This application is an enhanced form of the following tutorial, and hence requires all packages/softwares needed for this tutorial: https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/sql-databases/
Basic Requirements:
Python 3.9.4 (installed with updated pip)
fastapi --> pip install fastapi
uvicorn --> pip install uvicorn[standard]
sqlalchemy --> pip install sqlalchemy
jinja2 --> pip install jinja2
pymysql --> pip install pymysql
mysql --> pip install mysql
After all the pre-requisites are installed, use this command (with administrator rights) to run the application:
cd fastapi-sqlalchemy-sqlite-web-app
uvicorn sql_app.main:app --reload
Then, in browser, write:
To see docs, write: