The OMAR Web Map Service provides OGC capabilities for the WMS standard, serving out image chips from O2's raster data holdings.
Only required for Jenkins pipelines or if you are running Nexus and/or Openshift locally
The omar-wms respository is OMAR's implementation of Web Mapping Service (WMS) based of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standard. Its purpose is to process request for georeferenced map images from OMAR's map server. It has two request types defined by the standard, GetCapabilities and GetMap.
Install omar-oms-plugin click this link for instructions
Install omar-geoscript-plugin click this link for instructions
Git clone the following repos or git pull the latest versions if you already have them.
git clone
git clone
- Install omar-hibernate-spatial-plugin
cd omar-wms/plugins/omar-hibernate-spatial-plugin
gradle clean install
- Install omar-wms-plugin
cd omar-wms/plugin/omar-wms-plugin
gradle clean install
- Build/Install omar-wms-app
cd omar-wms/apps/omar-wms-app
gradle clean build
cd omar-wms/apps/omar-wms-app
gradle clean install