A mix between the native iOS 7 gallery and facebooks image picker.
Put this into your Podfile:
pod 'BSImagePicker', '~> 0.6'
Download the framework and drop into your project.
- Clone project
git clone [email protected]:backslashed/bsimagepicker.git
- Build framework
cd bsimagepicker
xcodebuild -target BuildFramework
open -a Finder Products/
- Drag & Drop framework into your project
Import header
#import <BSImagePickerController/BSImagePickerController.h>
Present the image picker from a view controller
[self presentImagePickerController:anImagePicker
toggle:^(ALAsset *asset, BOOL select) {
if(select) {
NSLog(@"Image selected");
} else {
NSLog(@"Image deselected");
cancel:^(NSArray *assets) {
NSLog(@"User canceled...!");
} finish:^(NSArray *assets) {
NSLog(@"User finished :)!");
All blocks are optional and can be nil, so you could for an instance just handle the finish case if you wanted. Why the toggle block then? Well, in my case I use it for starting image upload to give the apperance of a faster upload (many times it has already finished when user presses done.
- Toggle get called with an ALAsset and a BOOL indicating if it was selected or deselected.
- cancel gets called when the user cancels. It will have an array of ALAssets (if any).
- finish gets called when the user finishes. It will have an array of ALAssets (if any).
Blocks are always called on the main thread.
- You can disable previews by setting previewDisabled to YES.
- Setting keepSelection to YES will keep your image selection after dismissing the controller.
- Set maximumNumberOfImages to a value to limit selection to a certain number of images.
- Set itemSize to change the size of photos and albums.
- Tint color will change colors on buttons, album checkmark and photo checkmark.
- Navigation bar tint color will also affect the album view.
- Navigation bar foreground color will also affect text color in album cells.
This will give you a dark picker
[anImagePicker.view setTintColor:[UIColor redColor]];
[anImagePicker.navigationBar setBarTintColor:[UIColor blackColor]];
[anImagePicker.view setBackgroundColor:[UIColor blackColor]];
[anImagePicker.navigationBar setTitleTextAttributes:@{NSForegroundColorAttributeName : [UIColor whiteColor]}];
MIT License (see LICENSE file)