This is an angular based editor for jekyll based sites. Is intended to help people that are not familiar with git and/or jekyll site details. They just want to be able to view page structure, add/edit pages and posts. And to upload/delete media files. All this angular-jekyll-editor does. For details how to use it, please see the project page.
angular-jekyll-editor is SPA web application build with Lineman. The core is angular with plugins (see bower.json for the list). It communicates only with github through github API. For this purpose the octocat.js library us used.
This all means that there is no backend nor storage. All data are only within targeted repository.
Done only with single environment variable:
- REPOS: JSON string containing array of objects with site and repo information. Where site is host url where jekyll site is served. Typically on your domain or e.g And repo is address of targeted repository without prefix (e.g.: piratek/
{"site": "", "repo": "piratek/"},
{"site": "", "repo": "leme/"}
Or env file can be created:
export REPOS='[{"site": "", "repo": "piratek/"},...]'
and before lineman operation can be sourced:
source env && lineman build
Dependencies are node.js and its package manager npm. You can try if you have them with this command:
node -v && npm -v && echo 'OK, I have them ...'
If no, the most convinient way is use nvm.
The most easy way is deploy angular-jekyll-editor on heroku.
heroku create my-organisation-webadmin
heroku config:set REPOS="[{site: '', repo: 'piratek/'}]"
git push heroku master
Or you can generate the static files on your own.
export REPOS="[{site: '', repo: 'piratek/'}]"
lineman build
# now you have all files in dist folder
Then you can upload them to FTP storage or wherever they are served as static files.
NOTE: in this cas you have to ensure that notexistent routes are routed to index.html.