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@oushujun oushujun released this 08 May 20:03
· 30 commits to master since this release

Major Updates

  1. Add TEsorter to help to identify not LTR sequences. Candidate LTRs will be determined as "false" if they contain not-LTR HMM profile matches even the candidate contains LTR/TSD and the TGCA motif. This purging will remove a small number of structurally intact LTR candidates (5/2304 in rice). This implementation offers slight improvements over older versions and should be more significant for larger genomes.

    LTR_retriever-harvest_FINDER sens spec accu prec FDR F1
    retriever_v2.5 0.967 0.920 0.931 0.789 0.211 0.869
    retriever_v2.6 0.963 0.931 0.939 0.811 0.189 0.881
    retriever_v2.9.2 0.966 0.926 0.935 0.802 0.198 0.876
    retriever_v2.9.4 0.967 0.928 0.937 0.804 0.196 0.878
  2. Add more filtering parameters to identify solo LTRs, improve the solo-intact ratio calculation (#111, #110).

  3. Resolve RMblast errors when it attempts to overutilize CPUs #137

Other improvements

  1. Now require sequence IDs for 13 characters or less to accomodate for huge chromosomes up to 999Mb in length.
  2. Add missing TRF parameter (#133)
  3. Add check to ensure the input genome is writable (LTR_retriever won't overwrite your genome) (#125).
  4. Remove gap length for genome size calculation.


Andreas Wallberg, @Shokusei, Evan Ernst, @xie-wei-hh, @with9, and users like YOU!