Terrain: Editor will now thrown an popup if imported heightmap RAW file is in wrong size
Water: Fixed undo for water settings
Water: Fixed wrong default path and file name when importing or exporting water settings
Markers: SplittedAI markers into few categories
Markers: Few new marker icons: Combat zone, Defense point, Protected experimental, expansion area
Markers: Added 2D markers in Edit/Preferences, they sale with camera distance to be better visible.
Markers: Added new layers: Combat, Defense, Expand, Protected Experimental
Markers: Removed NavalRallyPoint layer and merged it with RallyPoint layer
Markers: Added Objective marker
Markers: Added hard fix for wrong syntax in marker values in save.lua
Markers: Fixed marker rotations
Markers: Added option to align camera marker to the current view
Markers: Fixed undo for camera marker
Units: Added field that displays group and army of selected unit
Units: Added name field for changing unit names
Units: Groups now update when re-parenting
Units: Unity army color now update when re-parenting
Units: Added unit tarmac textures
Units: Fixed unit not reappearing after undoing removed group
Unit Browser: Fixed wrong name of Seraphim faction
Brush: Added new Noise brush [by Spy Emanciator]
Input: Fixed crash on entering incorrect characters in int input fields
Input: When entering incorrect value in float input fields they will show last good value instead of 0
Files: Added support for scmap file formats older than v56 (they are converted to v56)
Files: Blocked "save as new version" when map is not loaded
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