- Map: Mass and energy reclaim are now saved into lua file
- Armies: New created armies will now have Initial unit group
- Terrain: Fixed issue with lost of precision when saving map
- Terrain: Increased max brush size to 512 (from 256)
- Textures: Fixed missing MipMaps for default normal map texture
- Textures: Editor will now not throw error when texture is no longer in RAM
- Textures: Increased max brush size to 512 (from 256)
- Lighting: Fog is now clamped when updating light
- Decals: Improved rendering performance
- Decals: Fixed bug where when placing decals they were not rendered
- Props: Pros can now be selected and translated
- Props: Fixed painting props
- Props: Fixed wrong displayed number of reclaim after painting
- Props: Fixed memory leak and crash at adding props from resource browser
- Markers: Fixed crash when adding/removing markers when in other tab than Markers/Markers
- Markers: Added "All" toggle for marker layers, that allow to disable or enable all layers
- Markers: Changed default names for NavalArea, ExpansionArea, LargeExpansionArea, CombatZone and DefensivePoint
- Markers: Added button that allows to automatically fix AI marker names
- Units: Fixed crash on rendering termacs when placing units
- Units: Fixed rendering issues when switching units between groups
- Units: Added Import and Export of units
- Units: Editor will now display minimum and maximum weapon range for selected units
- Units: Added basic information about selected unit in Units tab
- Units: Added Copy/Paste
- Units: Fixed units wrong reclaim values
- Assets: Reduced memory usage from loaded models and textures
- Files: Added to editor version information if its a WIP release
- Resource browser: Fixed memory leak at loading decals in resource browser
- Resource browser: Fixed error when switching from Props tab
- Resource browser: Browser will now unload unused assets from memory, that should help with huge memory usage
- Resource browser: Browser now loads new FAF env resources
- Resource browser: Fixed crash at removing empty textures when switching category
- Render: Rendering map now works
- Debug: Added Ruler tool under Tools/Ruler
- Undo: Fixed desynch after performing redo and undo few times and then recording new undo
- General: Updated source code to Unity 2019.2
- General: Fixed unity bugs with UI toggles
- General: Some improvements in restoring last window settings
HotFix 1
- Decal: Fixed decal renderer not being updated after performing undo
- Decal: Fixed renderer not being cleared when there are no visible decals
- Textures: TTerrainXP (5-8) layers are now greyed out when TTerrainXP shader is disabled
- General: Changed implementation of mouse scrollwheel for camera zoom
[Delta from WIP8]
- General: Updated source code to Unity 2019.2
- Undo: Fixed desynch after performing redo and undo few times and then recording new undo
- Terrain: Increased max brush size to 512 (from 256)
- Textures: Increased max brush size to 512 (from 256)
- Props: Fixed wrong displayed number of reclaim after painting
- Props: Fixed memory leak and crash at adding props from resource browser
- Markers: Changed default names for NavalArea, ExpansionArea, LargeExpansionArea, CombatZone and DefensivePoint
- Markers: Added button that allows to automatically fix AI marker names
- Resource browser: Fixed crash at removing empty textures when switching category