- https://github.com/P4CSS/web108
- Instructor: 謝吉隆 Contact: See http://www.journalism.ntu.edu.tw/
- Time: 09:20~12:10
- Week 18: Presentation (09:20-11:10) + Poster Exhibition 11:30~14:30社科院 1F
- Groups
- Case studies
- Bootstrap tutorial
- Index of tutorials
- AS10/31 Pasting links of your design to the dropbox paper page
- Sketching Practice Results
- Scrolling
- Each member selected two cases
- Discussing and reporting only 2~3 cases
- Giving your selection a name, e.g., interactive novel, storytelling for timeline, geographical presentation, ... et al.
- Copy the link to dropbox paper
- Current Teacher Version: You should keep your own website. But if you lose your code, you can use mine.
- prototyping
- Assignment: Prototyping this by hand painting.
- New case: https://udn.com/upf/newmedia/2019_data/DUI_victim_stories/
- Current Teacher Version: You should keep your own website. But if you lose your code, you can use mine.
- WebA1.Color: The color matters. What is the color design for HK protest? The color of Rembrandt.
- Practice: Customizing your facebook by StyleBot extension
- Web02 html_CSS
- Doc html CSS
- Preparing Case studies by Groups
- Be sure that you have downloaded and installe Brackets
- Web00_case studies
- Web01 Introduction
W | Date | Content |
1 | 09/12 | Overview |
2 | 09/19 | HTML+CSS |
3 | 09/26 | Bootstrap, affix, and scrollby |
4 | 10/03 | Invited Talk: Multimedia Interactive Storytelling |
5 | 10/10 | 國慶假期 |
6 | 10/17 | Report: Storytelling in News |
7 | 10/24 | Fixed background detection, status bar |
8 | 10/31 | Prototyping and wireframing jquery scroll-to-fixed |
9 | 11/07 | Report: Using bootstrap |
10 | 11/14 | Horizontal scrolling Animation by CSS3 |
11 | 11/21 | Scrolling - status bar and application |
12 | 11/28 | Horizontal Scrolling |
13 | 12/05 | Parallax Scrolling |
14 | 12/12 | Proposal: Materials you will use |
15 | 12/19 | Visual design principals Invited Talk: Usability of web design |
16 | 12/26 | Animated Charts |
17 | 01/02 | Map design and sheet data |
18 | 01/09 | Presentation (09:20-11:10) + Poster Exhibition 11:30~14:30社科院 1F |