ScrabbleCheat is code I wrote to beat my at-the-time girlfriend in Scrabble (she is amazing at Scrabble). Figuring it would be only as hard as other word algorithms like spell check or word creation from a list of letters, I developed it in Erlang, a new language I hadn't used much. This started a love affair with Erlang (which was largely accidental).
ALMOST ALL OF THIS WAS WRITTEN IN 2010. I was a very different programmer then, and it was a pretty different industry.
Each of these has their own Makefiles and READMEs. You'll need all three to get things going.
The main brain is written in Erlang. It's in code/server
. That said, it
requires the dictionaries to be loaded as a binary, which is created with the
next component.
Which, being almost a component of the server, lives in
I've halfhearted started a number of clients, the only one I really finished was
an Ncurses one that's wrapped by Ruby. It lives in clients/curses
While we used packaged tools for code dependencies when necessary, you'll need:
- Erlang (try kerl to manage installations) and Rebar3
- Ruby (try rvm to manage installations) and Bundler
- Clang
I'll write a Dockerfile for this sometime, I'm sure of it.
For now this is just loose code that will hopefully piece together into actual usable software; in the meantime, I'm putting it here as well as my local machine. Enjoy, and email about any questions, concerns!
Pablo Meier
[email protected]