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Satellite simulator alike L-band SMOS or SMAP by means of CMEM and CLM as inputs


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Code for a satellite simulator alike SMOS or SMAP by means of CMEM as radiative transfer and CLM as input for land surface model.

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	|______ bin/
	|______ forcing/
	|______ inputlst/
	|______ output/
	|______ scripts/
	|______ source/
		|_____ cmem_v5.1/
		|_____ clm4cmem/

Where: /bin directory is where executable binaries are placed

/forcing is the directory where forcing files must be located, e.g. Satellite orbits, classical CMEM NetCDF input files (optional, not necessary) , CLM input files (optional)

/inputlst this directory host the files with parameters defined as ASCII "input" following the classical CMEM "input", with the difference that many can be created with different names and holding different configurations, then one of them can be specified as input parameter file for running CMEM with that specific parametrization.

/output Output NetCDF files (either for classical CMEM or for the satellite operator) will be located in this directory after running the code

/scripts Directory containing some useful MATLAB/GNU_Octave scripts to deal with the data. e.g. plotting multi-angle multi-files Level 4 CMEM output NetCDF data, plotting Level 1 CMEM output NetCDF data, scripts to create the Satellite input NetCDF information (see below), etc.

/source this directory is separated in two parts: /cmem_v5.1 where the main CMEM source code is located (this however contains part of source codes which have been modified from the official CMEM distribution), and /clm4cmem where all codes for the tools necessary to apply the satellite operator are located.


The most important feature to configure is the environment variable FORTRAN_COMPILER that defines which compiler to use, this can be done by tuning FORTRAN_COMPILER in the Makefile located at /source.

Additionally, the location for the NetCDF include and lib directories might be needed to be adjusted (system dependent), which can be done editing the Makefile located at /source/cmem_v5.1

Compilation and running have been tested in Linux machines with compilers like gfrotran (Linux station and CLUMA clusted at Meteorological Institute) and ifortran (JURECA supercomputer at Jülich Computing Center).

The building process offers the possibility to generate the CMEM satellite operator executable in two flavors, namely as Stand-alone executable or as Subroutine to be called from other program.

Go to the source directory and see help for details, e.g. in command line type: > make help

  1. To build the Stand-alone version, type: > make this will produce the executable cmem at the bin directory.
  2. To build the Subroutine version, which can be used by any generic code. Here as example a code named TESTBED.F90 is used, type: > make MUTTER=/path/where/codes-is/TESTBED.F90 this will create the executable TESTBED at the /bin directory, this executable includes the Satellite Operator as subroutine within.


The above mentioned two flavours to run the Satellite Operator, i.e. Stand-alone version or Subroutine version can be running as follow:

  1. Stand-alone: executable file "cmem"

     USAGE: > ./cmem [input_parameters_file]

    Where [input_parameters_file] is optional and indicates the typical CMEM ASCII input file defining the CMEM parameters. By default it will search the file input in the /inputlst directory.

EXAMPLE: from command line go to the SATOPE_CLM4CMEM/bin directory and run the program as simple as:

	> ./cmem /tmp/clm/clmmoas/3022-C347/

this will run CMEM considering as forcing CLM NetCDF file located at the directory /tmp/clm/clmmoas/3022-C347/. The ancillary NetCDF surface-file corresponding to the CLM file must also be located at that directory (optionally other location can be specified in the code).

  1. Subroutine version: This is for integration of the satellite operator with any software who needs to call the operator. The name of subroutine is sat_clm4cmem()

     USAGE: call sat_clm4cmem(CLM_input_file,input_parameters,SAT)

where CLM_input_file must be a variable type character containing the full-path of the NetCDF CLM forcing file to process. input_parameters (optional) must be a variable type character containing the name of the ASCII input file with the CMEM parameters to be used, by default the code looks for a file named input in /inputlst directory.

EXAMPLE: within any Fortran or C code the Satellite Operator can be accessed as illustrated in the following example:


	use clm4cmem, only: SATELLITE
	implicit none

	character(len=300) :: CLM_input_file, input_parameters

	CLM_input_file = "/run/data/3022-C347/"
	input_parameters = "input_test1"
	call sat_clm4cmem(trim(CLM_input_file),trim(input_parameters),SAT)

	! form here on do whatever is needed with SAT type data...


In the example above, the program TESTBED will call the Satellite Simulator passing the CLM data file /run/data/3022-C347/ as input to be processed, with CMEM parameters specified by the ASCII file name input_test1 which must be located at /inputlst directory.

The variable structure SAT (declared with type(SATELLITE) :: SAT) contains the output of the satellite operator as well as the satellite information provided as sensor information (see below in Configuration Parameters). This variable SAT can be used for any purposes by other procedures.

The variable type SATELLITE is a structure defined at /source/clm4cmem/toolbox_clm4cmem.F90 and it is comprised by the following fields:

	character(len=10) :: name
	real(kind=JPRM) :: orbit
	real(kind=JPRM) :: antenna, azimuth, wavelength
	real(kind=JPRM), allocatable, dimension(:) :: theta, incl_foprt, time
	real(kind=JPRM), allocatable, dimension(:) :: lon_foprt, lat_foprt
	real(kind=JPRM), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: TBSAT_HV
	character(len=300) :: OrbitFileName
end type SATELLITE


  • name: string with Sensor's name for reference e.g. "SMOS"
  • orbit: Orbit altitude of Satellite [km]
  • antenna: Sensor's antenna diameter [m]
  • wavelength: Sensor's wavelength [m]
  • theta: Vector with incidence angles [deg] e.g (/20, 30, 40, 50/)
  • lon_foprt, lat_foprt: longitude and latitude of footprints [deg]
  • azimuth: Along-track Satellite's orbit azimuth [deg] from North ClockWise
  • incl_foprt: Footprint inclination angle [deg] from Equator CounterClockWise (E-CCW)
  • TBSAT_HV: Brightness Temperature [K] (pixel,polarization,incidence_angle,time)
  • OrbitFileName: string with file name of the NetCDF containing the Satellite information (i.e. footprint coordinates Longitude, Latitude, Inclination, wavelength, etc.).

Satellite Orbit Information

In order for the satellite operator to have information about the characteristics of the satellite's sensor and orbit, a NetCDF file containing basic information is needed. This NetCDF file is assigned to the field name OrbitFileName in the Fortran SATELLITE type variable (see section above). The name of the NetCDF file containing the desired satellite information is then passed to CMEM by the configuration parameter INPUTSATINFO in the ASCII input file (see section below).

A typical NetCDf satellite information file, typically located at SATOPE_CLM4CMEM/forcing/ directory, must have the following minimum structure: > ncdump -h SATOPE_CLM4CMEM/forcing/

	netcdf SMOS_L1orbit_neckar {
		NINC = 3 ;
		NPIXEL = 320 ;
		float THETA_INC(NINC) ;
			THETA_INC:unit = "degrees_nadir" ;
			THETA_INC:long_name = "Incidence Angle" ;
			THETA_INC:short_name = "theta_inc" ;
		float LONG(NPIXEL) ;
			LONG:unit = "degree_east" ;
			LONG:long_name = "FootPrint Longitude" ;
			LONG:short_name = "foprt_lon" ;
		float LATI(NPIXEL) ;
			LATI:unit = "degree_north" ;
			LATI:long_name = "FootPrint Latitude" ;
			LATI:short_name = "foprt_lat" ;
		float INCLI(NPIXEL) ;
			INCLI:unit = "degree_equator" ;
			INCLI:long_name = "FootPrint Inclination" ;
			INCLI:short_name = "foprt_incl" ;

	// global attributes:
		:SATELLITE_name = "SMOS" ;
		:Orbit_altitude_km = 758. ;
		:Orbit_azimuth_deg = 98.1 ;
		:SENSOR_antenna_m = 7.5 ;
		:SENSOR_wavelength_m = 0.21 ;
		:creator contact = "[email protected]" ;

Dimensions and Variables Description

The NetCDF variables have two dimensions, NINC for the number of incidence angles and NPIXEL for the number of footprints to consider. In the example above the file has three incidence angles stored at the variable THETA_INC e.g. [30 40 50] in Degrees.

The variables with the NPIXEL dimension are LONG, LATI and INCLI for the Longitude, Latitude and Footprint's inclination angle respectively. The inclination angle is given in degrees counter-clockwise from the Equator, while Longitude (Latitude) is in degrees positive for East (North).

The following Global attributes Orbit_altitude_km, Orbit_azimuth_deg, SENSOR_antenna_m and SENSOR_wavelength_m are very important for the satellite operator, and are sensor/satellite dependent. Orbit_altitude_km is a nominal satellite altitude for the region of study, Orbit_azimuth_deg is the orbit inclination translated to azimuth angle (i.e. degrees clockwise from North). SENSOR_antenna_m is the sensor's antenna nominal diameter in meters (i.e. for SMAP radiometer 6 m), and SENSOR_wavelength_m is the sensor's wavelength in meters (e.g. for typical L-band 0.21 m).

Additionally other attributes can be given as a reference for the file, e.g. SATELLITE_name as a name of the satellite/sensor and creator contact as a reference for the creator of the file or project.


Parameter configuration is done by the usual ASCII input file, but now located at /inputlst directory. The configuration files include now some new parameters and/or options:

  • CFINOUT='clm', new option for specifying CLM as processing input file,
  • JPHISTLEV=4, new option to produce NetCDF level-4 output which is only Satellite Simulator data. This can also be from 1 to 3 (as typical CMEM) but also can be 5 for outputs as level 1 to 4, or 6 for no output and the CMEM output information is kept only in memory only (which can be used by third-party codes),
  • INPUTSATINFO='../forcing/', new parameter indicating the Satellite information to be used as NetCDF format,
  • INDEXTIME= 30,2,36 -> new parameter to indicate which time indexes from the CLM input data to take into account, the format follows a sequence of three integers comprising (initial-index, total-number, span). In the given example (30,2,36) it means two time points with the first time having the index 30 and the second the index 30+36.


In the directory SATOPE_CLM4CMEM/scripts few MATLAB/GNU Octave friendly scripts are located to help with the edition and visualization of basic input/output simulation related data for the CMEM-Satellite-Operator scheme. The following are some of them:

Edit Satellite Info Input GUI

edit_info_SAT4CMEM.m This is a simple GUI to manage the parameters contained in a NetCDF satellite information file like the which is for SMOS. The GUI allows to load an existing NetCDF file, edit it or change the parameters and save it into a new file.

When run for the first time, the script only shows some values as example. To start working, it is suggested to load an existing file from SATOPE_CLM4CMEM/forcing directory.

The GUI is shown in Figure xxx where two main frames can be observed: the first corresponding to the global attributes and the second frame for the variables. The global attributes can be edited/changed directly, but the variables (e.g. THETA_INC, LONG, LATI and INCLI) can be either edited directly or just indicated by the name of variable containing the data in the MATLAB/GNU Octave workspace.

to do: include picture of the GUI

SAT Auxiliary Structure

The manipulation of the parameters is managed by means of a structure variable named SAT which is created by the GUI and edited at the workspace or can also be created directly from workspace without the help of the GUI. This variable SAT has the following structure:

	SAT.NPIX								variable numeric								array cell of string
	SAT.value								array cell of string or numeric
	SAT.attribute						array cell of strings
  • .NPIX is a scalar structure member of SAT with the information of the number of footprints SAT is containing, for instance SAT.NPIX=369; indicates that the structure contains 369 footprints.
  • .name is a cell structure member containing the variable names as strings, e.g.{1}='SATELLITE_name',{2}='Orbit_altitude_km', etc.
  • .value is a cell structure member containing the values for the variable names .name, for instance SAT.value{1}='GPM', SAT.value{2}=407, an so on for the respectively examples in .name.
  • .attribute is a cell structure member with information about the variable in that specific cell, generally it contains a cell array with three inputs i.e. attribute type (global or var), variable type (number or string), and units ('m', or 'deg', etc.). As example{2} has the attributes of SAT.attribute{2}={'global','number','km'}; indicating that the Orbit_altitude_km variable has a global attribute with numeric value and unit in kilometer.

All information displayed in the GUI is then stored into the SAT structure variable which is used be the other scripts too.

Read Satellite Info Input

retrieve_SATinputdata.m This script encompass a function used to load the NetCDF satellite information file, it is used by the GUI edit_info_SAT4CMEM or can be run independently from workspace. The function runs without parameter or one or two parameters. When invoked without parameters then a Selection File GUI pops-up in order to browse a NetCDF file to open. When used with one parameter, that must be a string indicating the input file, and when used with two parameters then the first is a string with the input file and the second is a string with the absolute path to the input file.

	> SAT = retrieve_SATinputdata;
	> SAT = retrieve_SATinputdata('');
	> SAT = retrieve_SATinputdata('','/path_to/file/');

It is mandatory to assign an output variable which is a structure of cell containing the data of the different variables of the satellite information file (SAT see example above).

Create Satellite Info Input

create_SATinput_nc.m This function is also called by edit_info_SAT4CMEM when the GUI introduced parameters want to be stored in a NetCDF file, but can also be used separately from the workspace.

When run without parameters (or by the GUI), the function first asks where to create the file and the name of it, once selected it creates a NetCDF file alike the which can be used in CMEM by specifying the input parameter INPUTSATINFO (see section Configuration Parameters).

The function also accept two parameters:

> status = create_SATinput_nc(fname,SAT);

where fname is a string indicating the full path and the NetCDF file name, and the second argument is SAT which is the satellite structure containing all the information as indicated in section Editing GUI.

Plotting CMEM Results

plot_SATOPE_level4.m: is a simple GUI script that allows to plot all the information included in a Lever 4 CMEM output, i.e. satellite simulator results for the input parameters assigned in the NetCDF satellite info at SATOPE_CLM4CMEM/forcing files. The Level 4 data is stored as a NetCDF file with the Brightness Temperatures (TB) at horizontal and vertical polarization for every pixel indicated with a longitude and latitude coordinates. This script plots TBs for every incidence angle presented in the NetCDF file as indicated by the variable THETA_INC, and example is shown in Figure XX.

plot_SATOPE_level1.m: When the corresponding Level 1 data, related to the Level 4 data, is also available then that Level 1 data can also be plotted in a separated window. By clicking the button Level 1 the script searches for a similar NetCDF files within the same directory with the flag lev1 instead of lev4 and plots them for all available incidence angle. Figure xx show the corresponding Level 1 data for the simulations in Figure xxx.

to do description of functions to plot and include Figures for the GNU Octave/ MATLAB scripts ...


Satellite simulator alike L-band SMOS or SMAP by means of CMEM and CLM as inputs







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