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Beth Skurrie edited this page Nov 17, 2017 · 4 revisions

Rarely asked questions

Doesn't this break HAL?

Yes. We're working on this with the v4 generators.

How can I run a standalone mock server?

By default, a mock service will be started automatically by the pact gem when running the consumer tests. A standalone mock service can be run locally and is useful for debugging purposes.

Pact.service_consumer "My Service Consumer" do
  has_pact_with "My Service Provider" do
    mock_service :my_service_provider do
      port <port-num>
      standalone true #Tell the pact gem not to automatically start the mock service
$ bundle exec pact-mock-service -p <port-num>

The service prints messages it recieves to stdout which can be really useful when diagnosing issues with pacts.

How can I specify hooks to be executed before/after all examples for pact:verify?

Use the set_up and tear_down hooks in the provider state definition:

Pact.provider_states_for "Some Consumer" do

  set_up do
    # Set up code here 

  tear_down do
    # tear down code here


See for more information.

How can I run my consumer UI during my consumer specs so I can execute the tests using a browser?

Eg. for Capybara tests

Pact.service_consumer "My Consumer" do
  app <your rack app here>
  port 4321

How can I specify multiple headers with the same name?

RFC 2616 states that two headers with the same name can interpreted as a single header with two comma-separated values. This is the safest way to specify multiple headers with the same name, as Rack will only pass the last value through when they are defined separately (see

  .given("it is RFC 2616 compliant")
  .upon_receiving("a request with a header with commas separated values")
  .with( method: :get, path: '/', headers: {'X-Request-Multival' => "A, B"} )
    status: 200, headers: {'X-Response-Multival' => "C, D"}