Cloudflare Worker to manage the contacts
This worker was bootstrapped using worker brick and configured with wrangler CLI. You can install it via NPM: npm install -g wrangler
This repository is configured with client-side Git hooks that automatically format + lint the codebase before each push. You can install it by running the following command:
To properly run this service, you will need to a set up a .dev.vars
file. Start by creating a copy of the .dev.vars.tpl
file and fill the variables with values appropriate for the execution context.
Variable Name | Variable Description |
The owner/username of the repository that represents the contacts manager database. |
The identifier of the repository that represents the contacts manager database. |
The branch where the repository allows insert/update transactions. |
The personal access token (PAT) with read/write permission for the repository. |
Run the local server via npm run start
Setup worker environment variables with the following one-line:
IFS='=';; cat $ENV_FILE | while read line || [[ -n $line ]]; do read -ra envy <<< $line; wrangler secret put ${envy[0]} <<< ${envy[1]} ; done
Deploy to Cloudflare via npm run deploy
This template was prepared by:
- João Freitas, @freitzzz
- Rute Santos, @rutesantos4
Contact us if you need help on your project!