gfetch is GMAIL retriver,
* it is written in pure bash
* uses gmail rss for fetching mails
* simple as heaven :)
* colorized output
* notify-osd support notification
* sound notifications
gfetch can determine if we have net access or not.
CONFIG FILE: cp /usr/share/gfetch/gfetchrc $HOME/.gfetchrc
Incorporating into conky: unread mail count is stored inside /tmp/gfetch/mcount if you wana use conky to display unread mails, use something like "${if_running gfetch}MAIL${execpi 5 cat /tmp/gfetch/mcount}${endif} This way you are sure that you won't get string MAIL,if gfetch isn't running
-D start daemon
-k kill daemon
c|check force mail check
l|list list mails