(feat) KPH3-7342: Enhance morgue admission functionality with Compartment Status Tracking: Occupied, Unoccupied, Sharing #1792
10 warnings
Run lint, type checks and tests:
React Hook useMemo has an unnecessary dependency: 'window.installedModules'. Either exclude it or remove the dependency array. Outer scope values like 'window.installedModules' aren't valid dependencies because mutating them doesn't re-render the component
Run lint, type checks and tests:
React Hook useCallback has missing dependencies: 'handleProcessReferral' and 'status'. Either include them or remove the dependency array
Run lint, type checks and tests:
React Hook useCallback has missing dependencies: 'referralData.messageId' and 't'. Either include them or remove the dependency array
Run lint, type checks and tests:
React Hook useMemo has an unnecessary dependency: 'isValidating'. Either exclude it or remove the dependency array
Run lint, type checks and tests:
React Hook useCallback has a missing dependency: 'handleMutations'. Either include it or remove the dependency array
Run lint, type checks and tests:
React Hook useMemo has a missing dependency: 'handleCareProgramClick'. Either include it or remove the dependency array
Run lint, type checks and tests:
React Hook useMemo has an unnecessary dependency: 'isValidating'. Either exclude it or remove the dependency array
Run lint, type checks and tests:
React Hook useMemo has a missing dependency: 'patientEnrollments'. Either include it or remove the dependency array
Run lint, type checks and tests:
React Hook useMemo has missing dependencies: 'closeWorkspace', 'closeWorkspaceWithSavedChanges', and 'mutateForm'. Either include them or remove the dependency array
Run lint, type checks and tests:
React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency: 'mutate'. Either include it or remove the dependency array