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Tainted instruction plugin optimizations.
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- Made globals static.
- Added "suppress_redundant_taint_reports" option.
-- When enabled, won't output the same PC multiple times consecutively.
-- Only used when pandalog is not enabled.
- In the for loop that computes num_tainted in taint_change:
-- Exit early if not pandalogging.
-- Further looping in this case isn't necessary as output doesn't change.
- Removed redundant ifs.
- Fix memory leak (ti->taint_query allocated via malloc was not freed.)
- Save "pc = 0x..." generated string in case it can be reused.
- Moved assignments to last_asid and last_pc to avoid unnecessary assignments.
  • Loading branch information
MarkMankins authored and Andrew Fasano committed Dec 19, 2023
1 parent e627660 commit c69bf1e
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Showing 2 changed files with 56 additions and 55 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion panda/plugins/tainted_instr/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Plugin: tainted_instr
Plugin: tainted\_instr

Expand All @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ Arguments

* `summary`: boolean. Determines whether full or summary information will be produced. In summary mode, `tainted_instr` just produces information about what instructions were tainted in each address space seen. In full mode, a log entry is written every time an instruction handling tainted data is executed, along with the callstack at that point. The logs for full mode can get rather large.
* `num`: uint64. Number of tainted instructions to log or summarize. The default (0) means there is no limit. Note that if `tainted_instr` sees the same tainted instruction reported mutiple times in a row, that this is counted as only one instruction. For example, if taint change reports come in five times for tainted data on instruction 1, then three times for tainted data on instruction 2, then seven times for tainted data on instruction 1 again, and then four times for tainted data in instruction 3, then the number of tainted instructions seen will be 4, as there were four distinct runs.
* `suppress_redundant_taint_reports`: boolean. When the pandalog is enabled, this option has no effect. Otherwise, when true, if there are multiple consecutive invocations of the taint\_change callback with the same program counter, only the first instance will be output. This reduces the amount of output this plugin generates. When false, the default value if this option is not provided, each unique taint change report will be output, which may result in the same program counter being reported multiple times in a row.

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108 changes: 54 additions & 54 deletions panda/plugins/tainted_instr/tainted_instr.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ extern "C" {

#include "panda/plugin.h"

#include "taint2/taint2.h"

extern "C" {
Expand All @@ -37,102 +36,103 @@ extern "C" {
// These need to be extern "C" so that the ABI is compatible with
// QEMU/PANDA, which is written in C
extern "C" {

bool init_plugin(void *);
void uninit_plugin(void *);
void taint_change(void);


bool summary = false;
uint64_t num_tainted_instr = 0;
uint64_t num_tainted_instr_observed = 0;
bool replay_ended = false;

#include <map>
#include <set>
static bool summary = false;
static uint64_t num_tainted_instr = 0;
static uint64_t num_tainted_instr_observed = 0;
static bool replay_ended = false;
static bool suppress_redundant_taint_reports = false;

// map from asid -> pc
std::map<uint64_t,std::set<uint64_t>> tainted_instr;
static std::map<uint64_t,std::set<uint64_t>> tainted_instr;

target_ulong last_asid = 0;
target_ulong last_pc = 0;
static target_ulong last_asid = 0;
static target_ulong last_pc = 0;

void taint_change(Addr a, uint64_t size) {
if (replay_ended) return;
if (!replay_ended
&& num_tainted_instr != 0
&& (num_tainted_instr_observed == num_tainted_instr)) {

if ((num_tainted_instr != 0)
&& (num_tainted_instr_observed == num_tainted_instr)) {
// analysis complete
printf ("tainted_instr ending early -- seen enough\n");
replay_ended = true;

CPUState *env = first_cpu; // cpu_single_env;
target_ulong asid = panda_current_asid(env);
target_ulong pc = panda_current_pc(env);

if((!pandalog) && suppress_redundant_taint_reports &&
(last_asid == asid) && (last_pc == pc)) {

uint32_t num_tainted = 0;
for (uint32_t i=0; i<size; i++) { = i;
num_tainted += (taint2_query(a) != 0);
if((num_tainted += (taint2_query(a) != 0)) && (!pandalog)) break;
if (num_tainted > 0) {

if (num_tainted > 0) {
if (summary) {
else {
if (pandalog) {
Panda__TaintedInstr *ti = (Panda__TaintedInstr *) malloc(sizeof(Panda__TaintedInstr));
ti->call_stack = pandalog_callstack_create();
ti->n_taint_query = num_tainted;
ti->taint_query = (Panda__TaintQuery **) malloc (sizeof(Panda__TaintQuery *) * num_tainted);
uint32_t j = 0;
for (uint32_t i=0; i<size; i++) { = i;
if (taint2_query(a)) {
ti->taint_query[j++] = taint2_query_pandalog(a, 0);
Panda__LogEntry ple = PANDA__LOG_ENTRY__INIT;
ple.tainted_instr = ti;
if (pandalog) {
for (uint32_t i=0; i<num_tainted; i++) {
} else if (pandalog) {
Panda__TaintedInstr *ti = (Panda__TaintedInstr *) malloc(sizeof(Panda__TaintedInstr));
ti->call_stack = pandalog_callstack_create();
ti->n_taint_query = num_tainted;
ti->taint_query = (Panda__TaintQuery **) malloc (sizeof(Panda__TaintQuery *) * num_tainted);
uint32_t j = 0;
for (uint32_t i=0; i<size; i++) { = i;
if (taint2_query(a)) {
ti->taint_query[j++] = taint2_query_pandalog(a, 0);
else {
printf (" pc = 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", (uint64_t) pc);
Panda__LogEntry ple = PANDA__LOG_ENTRY__INIT;
ple.tainted_instr = ti;
for (uint32_t i=0; i<num_tainted; i++) {
} else {
static char buf[32];
if(pc != last_pc) {
snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), " pc = 0x" TARGET_FMT_lx, pc);

if (asid != last_asid) {
if (pandalog) {
Panda__LogEntry ple = PANDA__LOG_ENTRY__INIT;
ple.has_asid = 1;
ple.asid = asid;
if (pandalog) {
else if (pc != last_pc) {
last_asid = asid;
last_pc = pc;
} else if (pc != last_pc) {
if (0 == (num_tainted_instr_observed % 1000))
printf ("%" PRId64 " tainted instr observed\n", num_tainted_instr_observed);
last_pc = pc;

// a taint delete on tainted data will cause a taint change event
// thus, do not say we've seen a tainted 'instruction' unless the data
// really was tainted
last_asid = asid;
last_pc = pc;

Expand All @@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ bool init_plugin(void *self) {
panda_arg_list *args = panda_get_args("tainted_instr");
summary = panda_parse_bool_opt(args, "summary", "summary tainted instruction info");
num_tainted_instr = panda_parse_uint64_opt(args, "num", 0, "number of tainted instructions to log or summarize");
suppress_redundant_taint_reports = panda_parse_bool_opt(args, "suppress_redundant_taint_reports", "don't output redundant taint change reports (only valid when not pandalogging)");
if (summary) printf ("tainted_instr summary mode\n");
else printf ("tainted_instr full mode\n");
PPP_REG_CB("taint2", on_taint_change, taint_change);
Expand All @@ -168,8 +169,7 @@ void uninit_plugin(void *self) {
Panda__LogEntry ple = PANDA__LOG_ENTRY__INIT;
ple.tainted_instr_summary = tis;
else {
} else {
printf (" pc=0x%" PRIx64 "\n", (uint64_t) pc);
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