I'm a student.
Shanxi Trade School
- Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province
- bigpigpeiqi.cn
- @pangxzi
An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library
React Large screen data display component library(fork from @jiaminghi/data-view-react)
基于react18, antd5开发的gbeata-admin 后台管理系统,gbeata组件库
unocss preset for wechat miniprogram,unocss小程序预设,在 taro uniapp 原生小程序 中使用unocss
🌏 简体中文 GeoJSON 世界地图,带有国家(地区)的 ISO 3166 代码、中文简称与全称。A simplified Chinese world map in GeoJSON format, including ISO 3166 codes, Chinese short names, and full names of countries (regions).
css-in-js library with antd v5 token system