This notebook was created to get information from validated sgRNAs for one or multiples queries across different databases.
Some database allow to search validated sgRNAs designed for different species. Thus, you can select or provide a specific specie on the assigned field for it.
If you encounter any bugs, please report the issue to
If you use this notebook, please cite the database article and this noteboook:
Chari R, Yeo N, Chavez A, Church GM (2017). sgRNA Scorer 2.0 – a species independent model to predict CRISPR/Cas9 activity. ACS Synthetic Biology.
Wen C, Guoqiang Z, Jing L, Xuan Z, Shulan H, Shuanglin X, Xiang H, Changning L (2019). CRISPRlnc: a manually curated database of validated sgRNAs for lncRNAs. Nucleic Acids Research.
Sanjana NE, Shalem O, Zhang F. Improved vectors and genome-wide libraries for CRISPR screening (2014). Nat Methods.
This Notebook : Carneiro, P. (2022). ValidatedSgRNADatabases.