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nvOC setup from a git clone

Payam Nab edited this page Mar 4, 2019 · 5 revisions

This page shows how to setup/run any nvOC 2.1+ branch from a dedicated folder. Expert users may find this useful for setting up nvOC development/testing environments side-by-side with stable setups and switch between them quickly. If you are a standard nvOC user who just want to mine or an insider who wants to try beta/development preview branches, please, go back to the main README of this repo for much easier ways of getting nvOC up and mining.

This page is not meant for noobs. Here we use beta_testing branch and /home/m1/NVOC/testing as an example, of course you need to change it according to your purpose.

Step 1:

git clone --depth 1 --branch beta_testing /home/m1/NVOC/testing

cd /home/m1/NVOC/testing

bash nvOC miners-upgrade

Create a copy of a fresh 1bash from 1bash.template:

cp /home/m1/NVOC/testing/1bash.template /home/m1/NVOC/testing/1bash

Edit 1bash as usual with your preferred text editor.

Step 2:

Switching between installed branches requires you to edit gnome-terminal settings and profiles.

Option A - from CLI

There exists an automated script for doing such kind of operations from command line with relative ease. Look for it in the repo.

Option B - from GUI

Create new gnome-terminal profile and start up command:

gnome-terminal menus: Edit > Preferences > Profiles > Clone the mining profile and edit the clone.

Rename the cloned mining profile to "mining-beta", "mining-testing" or whatever you like.

In 2nd tab from left, "Command" change custom command.

from :




Choose the "Profile used when launching …" to the one you made.

Step 3:

It's better to reboot, to start fresh.

But this should also work:

bash nvOC restart

gnome-terminal will be closed, and immediately opened but this time it should start your new nvOC branch with the new selected profile.

Switch back

To switch back to previous installation just change back the "Profile used when launching …" in gnome-terminal profiles following similar steps as in Step 2 above.


Updating an nvOC branch with latest commits is really, really easy thanks to git. You don't need (anymore) to wait for update scripts to be released, the update is really fast and your miner won't be stop unless it gets updated too, and only for a very small amount of time.

Basic and easy nvOC update steps:

cd /home/m1/NVOC/testing

bash nvOC upgrade

This last step above will also propose you to upgrade miners and eventually recompile those one you know you need it. In such cases, the required miner sources are pulled directly from their developer repository.

Please post your issues and found bugs as GitHub issues.