A unicode character based method of displaying pixels in the console, for C.
Simply include the "unicodedisplay.h" header file into your project.
So here is a quick overview:
create_display(int width, int height)
Allocates memory for a buffer. Returns a
The display struct contains it's width, height and an unsigned char buffer. The values can be modified to be set to either 1 or 0. Other values won't be appreciated...
free_display(display* display_ptr)
Free memory and delete the display 'object'.
set_pixel(display* display_ptr, int x, int y, unsigned char state)
Set a single 'pixel' on the display buffer to a state (either 1 or 0).
set_rect(display* display_ptr, int x, int y, int width, int height, unsigned char state)
Set a rectangle from the top left down to the bottom right to a state.
set_line(display* display_ptr, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, unsigned char state)
Set a line to a state.
set_section(display* dst, int x_offset, int y_offset, display* src)
Set values from the src display into the dst display with an offset.
merge_display(display* dst, display* src)
Merge two displays together using bitwise OR operation
print_display(display* display_ptr, int no_clear)
Prints the display using
for unicode. Whenno_clear == 1
the function won't usesystem("clear")
c print_buffer(display*)
Prints the buffer in 1s and 0s.
(I decided not to make a seperate code and seperate header file due to the simplicity of the code.)