A Language Server for nginx.conf
Still under construction, expect big / potentially breaking changes for a while.
nginx-language-server currently partially supports the following Language Server capabilities with more to be added in the future.
From your command line (bash / zsh), run:
pip install -U nginx-language-server
ensures that you're pulling the latest version from pypi.
Alternatively, consider using pipx to keep nginx-language-server isolated from your other Python dependencies.
The following instructions show how to use nginx-language-server with your development tooling. The instructions assume you have already installed nginx-language-server.
With coc.nvim, put the following in coc-settings.json
"languageserver": {
"nginx-language-server": {
"command": "nginx-language-server",
"filetypes": ["nginx"],
"rootPatterns": ["nginx.conf", ".git"]
In your vimrc, I recommend putting in the following lines to ensure variables complete / hover correctly:
augroup custom_nginx
autocmd FileType nginx setlocal iskeyword+=$
autocmd FileType nginx let b:coc_additional_keywords = ['$']
augroup end
Alternatively, you can use coc-nginx.
let g:coc_global_extensions = ['@yaegassy/coc-nginx']
Note: this list is non-exhaustive. If you know of a great choice not included in this list, please submit a PR!
nginx-language-server can be run directly from the command line.
$ nginx-language-server --help
usage: nginx-language-server [-h] [--version] [--tcp] [--host HOST]
[--port PORT] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [-v]
Nginx language server: an LSP server for nginx.conf.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version display version information and exit
--tcp use TCP server instead of stdio
--host HOST host for TCP server (default
--port PORT port for TCP server (default 2088)
--log-file LOG_FILE redirect logs to the given file instead of writing to
-v, --verbose increase verbosity of log output
Run from stdio: nginx-language-server
The useful language data for nginx is ported from vscode-nginx-conf-hint. I would have used this library directly, but alas! It's written only for VSCode and I use Neovim.
Samuel Roeca [email protected]