Install ganache
and truffle
npm install -g ganache-cli truffle
Install python 3.8 dev package
Ubuntu 20.04:
sudo apt install libpython3.8-dev
brew install [email protected]
brew link --overwrite [email protected]
Install pipenv
pip3 install -U pipenv
pipenv sync
Setup the Etherscan and Infura api keys in a .env
To enable etherscan API in development, call the following command:
pipenv run brownie networks modify development explorer=
To add support for Binance Smart Chain, run:
pipenv run brownie networks add "Ethereum" "binance-mainnet" host="" chainid=56
Add support for bscscan:
pipenv run brownie networks modify binance-mainnet explorer=
Trigger manual re-compile:
pipenv run brownie compile
After the first run, it will recompile automatically, whenever the brownie is restarted.
After contracts are compiled the ABI's are available in build
cat build/contracts/CONTRACT.json | jq .abi
Start the local mainnet-fork and leave the console open:
pipenv run brownie console --network mainnet-fork
Deploy the contracts on your local node by typing this into the console:
This will print newly deployed contracts and their addresses.
Leave the console open for the duration of the fork. If you need a fresh fork, repeat the above 2 steps.
To run all the tests:
pipenv run brownie test
First we need to import the Deployer accounts (will be prompted to enter private key):
pipenv run brownie accounts new paralink_deployer_eth
pipenv run brownie accounts new paralink_deployer_bsc
pipenv run brownie run deploy/ --network mainnet
pipenv run brownie run deploy/ --network binance-mainnet