nvim-dap-project-configuration is a neovim plugin which acts as configuration provider for nvim-dap and prelauncher based on a per-project configuration (based on the cwd).
You can use multiple subprojects and select your current (see Usage).
Optionally you can run your app instead of debugging it with nvim-dap.
Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:
dependencies = {
opts = {
-- leave empty (to use default settings)
-- or see the configuration options below
These are the default options:
local defaults = {
dir = vim.fn.stdpath("state") .. "/dap-project-configuration/", -- path where to store the last selection (depending on the cwd)
filename = ".nvim-dap-project-configuration.lua", -- project configuration file to look for in current cwd
dapcmd = "DapContinue", -- command to run with :ProjectDapRun after the prelaunch tasks are successfully executed (a string is interpreted as vim cmd, a function will be executed)
ignore_win_to_close = nil,
In my setup, beacon.nvim would intercept closing the tab when a command ran successfully and close_on_success is true (because it creates a window on that tab).
So I use this as a workaround:
opts = {
-- ..
ignore_win_to_close = function(winid)
if vim.wo[wid].winhl == 'Normal:Beacon' then
return true
return false
-- vimcwd/.nvim-dap-project-configuration.lua
return {
mysubproj1 = {
prelaunch = { -- these are launched before dapcmd is invoked
task1 = {
-- prelaunch task
dap = { -- this is set as nvim-dap config provider "nvim-dap-project-configuration"
config1 = {
-- nvim-dap conifguration1
config2 = {
-- nvim-dap configuration_n
run = {
launch = "config1", -- will extract run config from dap config "config1", for custom options or if adapter configuration is not compatible, see mysubproj2.run
output = {
-- see prelaunch output options
mysubproj2 = {
-- ...
run = {
launch = {
cmd = "myexec",
args = {"progparam1"},
env = {
output = {
-- ...
If there is only one subproject, it is selected by default.
Optionally a project configuration can return two tables: the launcher config table (see above) and a table defining callbacks (currently only on_select), which are executed in case of the occurring event.
-- vimcwd/.nvim-dap-project-configuration.lua
return {
-- ...
}, {
on_select = function(target)
print("you selected another target: " .. target)
Example project configuration of a QMake subdir project:
-- ~/Projects/myproj/.nvim-dap-project-configuration.lua
local projdir = "~/Projects/myproj"
local builddir = "~/Projects/build-myproj"
local workdir = "~/Projects/run-myproj"
return {
QMake = {
prelaunch = {
p1 = {
cwd = builddir,
cmd = "qmake",
args = { projdir },
output = {
target = "buffer",
reuse = true,
close_on_success = true,
stop_on_close = true,
wait = true,
env = {},
Make = {
prelaunch = {
p1 = {
cwd = builddir,
cmd = "make",
env = {
PATH = "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin",
wait = true,
output = {
target = "buffer",
close_on_success = false,
reuse = true,
autoscroll = true,
filetype = "qf",
Clean = {
prelaunch = {
p1 = {
cwd = builddir,
cmd = "make",
args = { "clean" },
env = {
PATH = "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin",
wait = true,
output = {
target = "buffer",
close_on_success = true,
autoscroll = true,
filetype = "qf",
Subapp1 = {
prelaunch = {
p1 = {
cwd = builddir .. "/src/subapp1",
cmd = "make",
env = {
PATH = "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin",
wait = true,
output = {
close_on_success = true,
autoscroll = true,
dap = {
name = "Subapp1",
type = "gdb",
request = "launch",
cwd = workdir .. "/subapp1",
program = builddir .. "/src/subapp1/subapp1",
args = {
Subapp2 = {
prelaunch = {
p1 = {
cwd = builddir .. "/src/subapp2",
cmd = "make",
env = {
PATH = "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin",
wait = true,
output = {
close_on_success = true,
filetype = "qf",
autoscroll = true,
dap = {
name = "Subapp2",
type = "gdb",
request = "launch",
cwd = workdir .. "/subapp2",
program = builddir .. "/src/subapp2/subapp2",
env = {
DISPLAY = ":0",
RunSubapp1DebugSubapp2 = {
prelaunch = {
p1 = {
cwd = builddir .. "/src/subapp1",
cmd = "make",
env = {
PATH = "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin",
output = {
close_on_success = true,
filetype = "qf",
autoscroll = true,
wait = true,
p2 = {
cwd = builddir .. "/src/subapp2",
cmd = "make",
env = {
PATH = "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin",
wait = true,
output = {
close_on_success = true,
filetype = "qf",
autoscroll = true,
p3 = {
cwd = workdir .. "/subapp1",
cmd = builddir .. "/src/subapp1/subapp1",
args = {"--runparamater"},
wait = false,
dap = {
name = "Subapp2",
type = "gdb",
request = "launch",
cwd = workdir .. "/subapp2",
program = builddir .. "/src/subapp2",
env = {
DISPLAY = ":0",
So when RunSubapp1DebugSubapp2
is selected, invoking ProjectDapRun
would execute p1
, p2
and p3
. The table dap
is set as dap config provider and dapcmd
is invoked.
These are the default prelaunch options:
cwd = cwd, -- working directory of the command
env = {}, -- table of environment variables
cmd = nil, -- the command to invoke
args = {}, -- parameters to pass to cmd
output = {
target = "buffer", -- pass all stdout and stderr to a buffer, use "print" to use neovim print function or pass a function(errorstr, datastr) which is invoked
reuse = true, -- if target == "buffer", reuse the previously opened buffer when rerunning
clear = false, -- if target == "buffer" and reuse == true, clear the buffer first
close_on_success = false, -- if target == "buffer", close the buffer if the prelaunch was successfull
stop_on_close = true, -- if target == "buffer", kill the process if the buffer is closed manually
autoscroll = false, -- if target == "buffer", automatically scroll to end when appending data
wait = true, -- wait for the command completion and only start the next command or dapcmd if successfull
Prelaunch tasks are executed sorted by their key.
plenary.job is used to execute prelaunch tasks, see it's documentation for more info.
These user commands are available:
: Select the given (by argument) subproject. If none is given, open the selection popupProjectDapRun
: Run the selected configProjectDapCloseSelection
: Close the selection popup (although there is a buffer keymap "q" to close the popup)ProjectDapStopAllTasks
: Stop all prelaunch tasks started by the pluginProjectDapToggleDap
: Toggles between debugging and runningProjectDapEnableDap
: Enables debugging (disables running)ProjectDapDisableDap
: Disables debugging (enables running)ProjectDapSelectDap
: Open the dap or run popup
I was previously working with Qt Creator where you can select the subdir project to run/debug (with configured arguments, etc.). So this plugin was born to adapt this functionality without the need to leave Neovim and/or use a terminal inside Neovim and write bash scripts for all tasks.
I'm pretty sure you could achieve the same goal with another plugin for per-project dap-configs (like nvim-dap-projects) and overseer.nvim for prelaunch tasks, but having it all in one config seems very convenient.
Although the project goal is complete, there are some possible improvements:
- nested prelaunch tasks to handle some kind of dependency graph but can run some tasks concurrently