Patience is Thousand-hills Born a software engineer with a strong track record of success. I have many years of practical experience. My skill set includes problem-solving, developing innovative solutions, and adapting to new technologies with ease. I have also contributed to the growth and success of different startups, which showcases my ability to thrive in passionate and entrepreneurial environments.
I enjoy reading, writing, traveling, history, psychology, photography, painting, playing piano, and hanging out with developers. But my heart belongs to the mountains!
* Rule-1: No one but ourselves can create ourselves
* @param Person person
* @return Builder // life builder
* @throws LifeException
final protected function life(Person $person) {
return new Builder($person->character(), $person->dreams());
I often thought of Steve Jobs’ reality distortion field: when you believe in something so strongly and keep pushing it persistently, you can somehow make the impossible possible. and Ideas in different topics or fields can often inspire new ideas and broaden the potential solution space.
🌱 I’m currently learning Typescript and Advanced Communication
👨💻 All of my projects are available at
📝 I regularly write articles on
💬 Ask me about PHP, Laravel, Javascript, Vue and Docker(Kubernetes))
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
⚡ Fun fact Is Working overtime is likely