To create a list from an object
In local index.js file, require the following:
var menuLister = require('./object-to-list');
var fs = require('fs-extra');
Next define the arguments of the menuLister. This will call the objecToList
function below and these will be passed in when the function is called. The following parameters are needed:
src - template source that will do the looping
obj - object you want to convert to an html list
dest - the output's destination location
var menuLister = require('./object-to-list');
var fs = require('fs-extra');
// this could be any template
var src = './object-to-list/templates/menu.twig';
// you could write out this object, get it from a file, get it from another function like pattern-presenter
var obj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./object-to-list/fixtures/example.json', 'utf8'));
var dest = './object-to-list/menu.html';
menuLister(src, obj, dest);