This repo contains various starting points for interview and learning exercises.
You should definitely not use anything in this repo for production or as an example of good code, good engineering, or good taste.
You have been employed by Presto Defecto LLC. as a Site Reliability Engineer. Your initial task is to save Presto Defecto's flagship service: Unstoppable Echo
Unstoppable Echo utilizes a polyglot micro-monolith architecture with a fanout/in call structure. At least that is what the consultancy said before the initial VC funds ran out.
All components suffer from the same problems:
- Buggy code gets merged to
. - There are tests, but...
- Deployment is done with
and a prayer. - Infrastructure is managed by mouse click so
, anddev
are never the same. - No one knows where to look when things go wrong.
- Things go wrong. A lot.
- Few of the developers at Presto Defecto have heard of the OWASP top 10, but all are confident that there are no security vulnerabilities in Unstoppable Echo.
- It takes N-1 months for a new developer to come up to speed as there is no documentation. (*Note - N is the number of months a given developer works at Presto Defecto before running away to a new job.)
With an IPO fast approaching, can you help productionalize Unstoppable Echo?
You have been handed a sticky note with a few lines scrawled on it. Your new manager says that it was made by the former SRE just before they were fired for "not being a team player". The manager grumbles "I dunno if this helps, but here are a bunch of ideas the last SRE thought were important. I don't see the need, but whatever."
The note reads:
todo or i can't take anymore
- ci
- CI job that at least runs the tests
- functional tests so we know the code runs
- build step so we know what we deploy is the same - zip or Docker or something
- cd
- automated deploy from
- smoke test to make sure it worked
- infra
- at least get compute instance and lb declared in code
- patch stuff
- visibility
- logs should go somewhere
- tracing with opentracing or something - i have no idea what is going on
- monitoring... at least synthetics
- config
- get secrets out of git and somewhere safe
- get all config passed in via envar
- sec. scan
- code scanner like dependabot
- owasp zap scan in CI
One person can't do it all alone, but you will need to demo how things can be made better. You have been given a time limit of three hours to build your demo.
Your challenge:
- Fork this repo
- Select an area to focus on (ci, cd, infra, etc.)
- Create a proof of concept, in code
- Be ready to demo and walk through your code
- GitHub, your local workstation, and free tier cloud services are allowed. (No paid services outside of free tier, please.)
- Time box your effort to no more than three hours.
- If you don't get something working that is OK! Share what you have done.
- Application code can be modified only to add tooling or address configuration and build needs. Implement tools to highlight security issues the application developers need to fix.
- Focus on enabling the application developers to address The Problems.