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paulxshen committed Mar 14, 2024
1 parent c2ba4f1 commit b475e47
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Showing 12 changed files with 156 additions and 122 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,21 +5,21 @@ using Zygote: withgradient, Buffer
using BSON: @save, @load
using Optim: Options, minimizer
using AbbreviatedStackTraces
using Jello, Luminescent, LuminescentVisualization
# using Jello, Luminescent, LuminescentVisualization

# dir = pwd()
# include("$dir/src/main.jl")
# include("$dir/../LuminescentVisualization.jl/src/main.jl")
# include("$dir/scripts/startup.jl")
dir = pwd()

# loads design layout
@load "$(@__DIR__)/layout.bson" base signals ports designs
@load "$(@__DIR__)/modes.bson" modes lb ub λ dx hsub wwg hwg hclad ϵsub ϵclad ϵwg

# training params"
F = Float32
dogpu = true
dogpu = false
name = "inverse_design_signal_splitter"
nbasis = 5 # complexity of design region
contrast = 10.0
Expand All @@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ rmin = nothing
T1 = Δ1 = 1 + norm(ports[1].c - ports[2].c) / λ * sqrt(ϵwg) # simulation duration in [periods] for signal to reach output ports
Δ2 = 1 # duration to record power at output ports
T2 = T = T1 + Δ2
T1 = 0.1
T2 = 0.2
ϵmin = ϵclad
hsub, wwg, hwg, hclad, dx, ub, lb = [hsub, wwg, hwg, hclad, dx, ub, lb] / λ

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,8 +90,8 @@ function make_geometry(model, base, μ, σ, σm)
place!(base_, model(), round.(Int, designs[1].o / λ / dx) .+ 1)

ϵ = sandwich(copy(base_), round.(Int, [hsub, hwg, hclad] / dx), [ϵsub, ϵwg, ϵclad])
ϵ, μ, σ, σm = apply(geometry_padding; ϵ, μ, σ, σm)
p = apply(geometry_staggering; ϵ, μ, σ, σm)
p = apply(geometry_padding; ϵ, μ, σ, σm)
p = apply(geometry_staggering, p)

function metrics(model, ; T1=T1, T2=T2, autodiff=true)
Expand All @@ -116,7 +118,7 @@ function loss(v)

p0 = make_geometry(model0, base, μ, σ, σm)
# volume(cpu(p0[1][2]))
# error()

# gradient free optimization "Optim functions
Expand Down
Binary file modified examples/inverse_design_signal_splitter/model.bson
Binary file not shown.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions examples/inverse_design_signal_splitter/scratch.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,3 +24,4 @@ end

modes = main()

26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions examples/periodic_scattering/3d_periodic_scattering.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,14 +3,15 @@ simulation of plane wave scattering on periodic array of dielectric spheres

using UnPack, LinearAlgebra, GLMakie
using Luminescent, LuminescentVisualization
# using Luminescent, LuminescentVisualization

# dir = pwd()
# include("$(dir)/src/main.jl")
# include("$(dir)/scripts/startup.jl")
# include("$dir/../LuminescentVisualization.jl/src/main.jl")
dir = pwd()

dogpu = true
dogpu = false
F = Float32
name = "periodic_scattering"
T = 10 # simulation duration in [periods]
nx = 20
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -42,8 +43,8 @@ monitors = [
configs = maxwell_setup(boundaries, sources, monitors, dx, sz; ϵmin, F)
@unpack dt, geometry_padding, geometry_staggering, field_padding, source_instances, monitor_instances, u0, = configs

ϵ, μ, σ, σm = apply(geometry_padding; ϵ, μ, σ, σm)
p = apply(geometry_staggering; ϵ, μ, σ, σm)
p = apply(geometry_padding; ϵ, μ, σ, σm)
p = apply(geometry_staggering; p...)

# move to gpu
if dogpu
Expand All @@ -54,7 +55,8 @@ end

# run simulation
@showtime u = accumulate(0:dt:T, init=u0) do u, t
maxwell_update!(deepcopy(u), p, t, dx, dt, field_padding, source_instances)
maxwell_update(u, p, t, dx, dt, field_padding, source_instances)
# maxwell_update!(deepcopy(u), p, t, dx, dt, field_padding, source_instances)
v = [power_flux.((m,), u) for m = monitor_instances]

Expand All @@ -64,10 +66,8 @@ if dogpu

# make movie,
Ez = map(u) do u
ϵEz = p[1][3]
Ez = field.(u, :Ez)
ϵEz = p[][3]
dir = @__DIR__
recordsim("$dir/$(name).mp4", Ez, v;
Expand Down
Binary file not shown.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion scripts/setup.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
using Pkg
# ]add UnPack, BSON,DataStructures, StatsBase, Documenter,ImageTransformations,Interpolations, Zygote, Optim,ArrayPadding, Porcupine, Jello, GLMakie, Functors, Lazy,AbbreviatedStackTraces,ReverseStackTraces,CUDA,Flux
# Pkg.add(url="")
# Pkg.add(url="")
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/boundaries.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,7 +92,8 @@ function apply(p::AbstractVector{<:InPad}, a::AbstractArray)

a_ = Buffer(a)
a_ .= a
# a_ .= a
a_[axes(a)...] = a
for p = p
@unpack l, r, b, m = p
if isnothing(m)
Expand Down
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion src/maxwell_setup.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -181,8 +181,14 @@ function maxwell_setup(boundaries, sources, monitors, dx, sz, polarization=nothi
if d == 1
pf = u -> [u[1] .* u[2]]
elseif d == 3
u0 = [u[1:3], u[4:6]]
u0 = MyDict([
:E => MyDict([k => zeros(F, Tuple(sizes[k])) for k = (:Ex, :Ey, :Ez)]),
:H => MyDict([k => zeros(F, Tuple(sizes[k])) for k = (:Hx, :Hy, :Hz)]),])
# u0 = [u[1:3], u[4:6]]
u0 = MyDict([
:E => MyDict([k => zeros(F, Tuple(sizes[k])) for k = (:Ex, :Ey)]),
:H => MyDict([k => zeros(F, Tuple(sizes[k])) for k = (:Hz,)]),])
if polarization == :TMz
u -> [-u[1] .* u[3], u[2] .* u[1]]
Expand Down
125 changes: 42 additions & 83 deletions src/maxwell_update.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,3 @@
function mark(p; kw...)
[mark(p[k], kw[k]) for k = keys(kw)]
function mark(v, a)
l = sum(v) do p
r = sum(v) do p
PaddedArray(a, l, r)

function maxwell_update!(u, p, t, field_padding, source_instances)
Expand All @@ -19,9 +7,11 @@ Updates fields for 3d. Please use `maxwell_update` instead of `maxwell_update!`
function maxwell_update!(u1, u, p, t, dx, dt, field_padding, source_instances)
= StaggeredDel([dx, dx, dx])
ϵ, μ, σ, σm = p
E, H = u
E1, H1 = u1
@unpack ϵ, μ, σ, σm = p
# ϵ, μ, σ, σm = p |> values
@unpack E, H = u
E1 = u1[:E]
H1 = u1[:H]
# J = apply(source_instances, t; Jx=zeros(F, size(E[1])), Jy=zeros(F, size(E[2])), Jz=zeros(F, size(E[3])))
J = apply(source_instances, t; Jx=0, Jy=0, Jz=0)

Expand All @@ -35,7 +25,7 @@ function maxwell_update!(u1, u, p, t, dx, dt, field_padding, source_instances)
Ex, Ey, Ez = E1
apply!(field_padding; Ex, Ey, Ez)
H = collect.(H)
H = unmark(; H...)

# then update H
E = mark(field_padding; Ex, Ey, Ez)
Expand All @@ -46,93 +36,62 @@ function maxwell_update!(u1, u, p, t, dx, dt, field_padding, source_instances)
Hx, Hy, Hz = H1
apply!(field_padding; Hx, Hy, Hz)
E = collect.(E)
E = unmark(; E...)

[E, H]
# u1
maxwell_update!(u, p, t, dx, dt, field_padding, source_instances) = maxwell_update!(u, u, p, t, dx, dt, field_padding, source_instances)

# function maxwell_update!(u, p, t, dx, dt, field_padding, source_instances)
# ∇ = StaggeredDel([dx, dx, dx])
# ϵ, μ, σ, σm = p
# E, H = u
# J = apply(source_instances, t; Jx=0, Jy=0, Jz=0)

# # first update E
# Hx, Hy, Hz = H
# H = mark(field_padding; Hx, Hy, Hz)
# dEdt = (∇ × H - σ * E - J) / ϵ

# E_ = bufferfrom.(E)
# for i = 1:3
# E_[i][:, :, :] = E[i] + dEdt[i] * dt
# end
# Ex, Ey, Ez = [copy(E_[1]), copy(E_[2]), copy(E_[3])]
# # E .= E + dEdt * dt

# apply!(field_padding; Ex, Ey, Ez)
# H = collect.(H)

# # then update H
# E = mark(field_padding; Ex, Ey, Ez)
# dHdt = -(∇ × E .+ σm * H) / μ

# H_ = bufferfrom.(H)
# for i = 1:3
# H_[i][:, :, :] = H[i] + dHdt[i] * dt
# end
# Hx, Hy, Hz = [copy(H_[1]), copy(H_[2]), copy(H_[3])]
# # H .= H + dHdt * dt

# apply!(field_padding; Hx, Hy, Hz)
# H = [Hx, Hy, Hz]
# E = collect.(E)

# [E, H]
# end
function maxwell_update(u, p, t, field_padding, source_instances)
Updates fields for 3d in a manner amenable to AD. See also Mutating `maxwell_update!`
function maxwell_update(u, p, t, dx, dt, field_padding, source_instances; ignore_boundary_autodiff=false)
= StaggeredDel([dx, dx, dx])
ϵ, μ, σ, σm = p
E, H = u
@unpack ϵ, μ, σ, σm = p
@unpack E, H = u
J = apply(source_instances, t; Jx=0, Jy=0, Jz=0)

# first update E
Hx, Hy, Hz = H
H = mark(field_padding; Hx, Hy, Hz)
# H = mark(field_padding; H...)
H = mark(field_padding, H)
# @info typeof(E)
dEdt = (∇ × H - σ * E - J) / ϵ
Ex, Ey, Ez = E + dEdt * dt

if ignore_boundary_autodiff
ignore_derivatives() do
apply!(field_padding; Ex, Ey, Ez)
Ex, Ey, Ez = apply(field_padding; Ex, Ey, Ez)
H = collect.(H)
# @info typeof(dEdt)
E = E + dEdt * dt

# Ex, Ey, Ez = E
# E = apply(field_padding; Ex, Ey, Ez)
# Hx, Hy, Hz = H
# H = unmark(; Hx, Hy, Hz)

# E = apply(field_padding; E...)
# H = unmark(; H...)
E = apply(field_padding, E)
H = unmark(H)

# then update H
E = mark(field_padding; Ex, Ey, Ez)
# E = mark(field_padding; Ex, Ey, Ez)
E = mark(field_padding, E)
dHdt = -(∇ × E .+ σm * H) / μ
Hx, Hy, Hz = H + dHdt * dt

if ignore_boundary_autodiff
ignore_derivatives() do
apply!(field_padding; Hx, Hy, Hz)
Hx, Hy, Hz = apply(field_padding; Hx, Hy, Hz)
H = [Hx, Hy, Hz]
E = collect.(E)

[E, H]
H = H + dHdt * dt

# Ex, Ey, Ez = E
# Ex, Ey, Ez = unmark(; Ex, Ey, Ez)
# E = (; Ex, Ey, Ez)
# Hx, Hy, Hz = H
# H = apply(field_padding; Hx, Hy, Hz)

# H = apply(field_padding; H...)
# E = unmark(; E...)
H = apply(field_padding, H)
E = unmark(E)

# [E, H]
MyDict([:E => E, :H => H])
# (; E, H)
maxwell_update! = maxwell_update!
# Flux.trainable(m::PaddedArray) = (; a=m.a)
Expand Down
14 changes: 6 additions & 8 deletions src/monitors.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,8 +113,9 @@ end

function field(u, k)
if k in keys(fij)
i, j = fij[k]
# i, j = fij[k]
# u[i][j]
elseif k == "|E|2"
sum(u[1]) do a
a .^ 2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,12 +182,9 @@ end
power_flux density (avg Poynting flux) passing thru monitor
function power_flux_density(m::OrthogonalMonitorInstance, u)
E = [u[1][i][[k]...] for (i, k) = enumerate([:Ex, :Ey, :Ez])]
H = [u[2][i][[k]...] for (i, k) = enumerate([:Hx, :Hy, :Hz])]

# E = getindex.(u[1], Ref.(m.i)...)
# H = getindex.(u[2], Ref.(m.i)...)
# E, H = u
d = ndims(m)
E = [u[:E][k][[k]...] for k = keys(u[:E])]
H = [u[:H][k][[k]...] for k = keys(u[:H])]

r = mean(sum((E × H) .* m.n))
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/sources.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -156,11 +156,11 @@ function apply(v::AbstractVector{<:SourceInstance}, t::Real; kw...)
kw[k] .+ sum(a)
for k = keys(kw)
for k = _keys(kw)
# end for (k, a) = pairs(kw)

# function apply(d,t; kw...)
# [apply(d[k], kw[k]) for k = keys(kw)]
# [apply(d[k], kw[k]) for k = _keys(kw)]
# end

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