Feel free to make directories/drop notes/scripts/docs etc. that you think would be useful/interesting for the June Hack! 🤓
This is the main data source, manual searchable UK Gov portal (beta, no API, Open Government License):
You can also download the gender pay gap data in a CSV (Comma Separated Values) format that can be read by any spreadsheet program or word processor:
Other data sources we've identified & assessed for ease of access/relevance
- What can we learn from job ads? (data source: Indeed)
- Action plans as described in Company GPG reports (source links in the GPG company page)
- Twitter #PayGap (company Level?)
- Composition of the board (sources: Company House or company’s website)
- Gender of the CEO (sources: Company House or company’s website)
- What can we learn from the 11% of companies with a >0 pay gap?
- Are the patterns different for Charitable organisations?
- What can we learn from the companies with <250 employees which have voluntarily filed their data?
- Correlation with the existence of a flexible work policy
- Correlation with the existence of a diversity policy
- Correlation with any feedback available on the company culture
- Critical review the analytical methods used to draw conclusions about GPG in mainstream media + suggest more analysis
April 2016 #Hackthepaygap initiative where team of Presidential Innovation Fellows, the U.S. Department of Commerce and the White House Council on Women and Girls launched a challenge culminating in a White House 'Demo Day', asking developers, designers, and data scientists across the US: can you use your skills to help get women paid what they deserve?
- https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-we-hacked-gender-pay-gap-smita-satiani/
- https://github.com/presidential-innovation-fellows/hack-the-paygap
- https://www.bmj.com/content/361/bmj.k1541
With over 1.6 million staff, the NHS is the largest single employer in the UK, three times the size of the largest private sector employer, Tesco...The new requirement for large employers to publish basic data shows the scale of the discrepancy in the NHS...
BMJ 2018; 361 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.k1541 (Published 09 April 2018)
- WHERE are jobs, particularly the higher paid ones, advertised? ARE they even fully advertised? i.e. biased reach, closed networks