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Whitelabel Pay SDK

SDK Installation

1. Get your Github token.

To generate a Github token, navigate to your Github profile -> Settings -> Developer settings -> Personal access token -> Generate new token (classic). Check the read:packages scope. Click Generate token. More details can be found here

2. Create / update the file.

Create the file in your project at root level. Add the following 2 properties:


Make sure to add the file to .gitignore.

3. Configure access to the distribution repository.

3.1. Using the Kotlin DSL structure

In the settings.gradle.kts file add the following lines in the dependencyResolutionManagement block:

val githubProperties = Properties().apply {
    rootDir.resolve("").inputStream().use { load(it) }

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {

        maven {
            url = uri("")
                username = githubProperties.getProperty("gpr.usr")
                password = githubProperties.getProperty("gpr.key")

Add the dependency for the library in the app-level build.gradle.kts file:


3.2. Using Groovy DSL

In the settings.gradle file add the following lines in the dependencyResolutionManagement block:

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url = ""
                username githubProperties.getProperty("gpr.usr")
                password githubProperties.getProperty("gpr.key")

Add the dependency for the library in the app-level build.gradle.kts file:

implementation "com.paymenttools:paymenttoolssdk:x.y.x"

SDK Usage

1. Initialization

In order to make use of the SDK, an instance of WhitelabelPayImplementation needs to be created.

val wlpSdk = WhitelabelPayImplementation(
    context = context,
    configs = WhitelabelPayConfigurations(...)


There are several key points in creating the configuration object to consider:

val configs = WhitelabelPayConfigurations(
    bundleId = BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID,
    merchantId = MERCHANT_ID,
    notificationId = NOTIFICATION_ID,
    environment = WhitelabelPayEnvironment.INTEGRATION,
    showErrorLogs = true
  • MERCHANT_ID use rew as merchant id;
  • NOTIFICATION_ID represents a UUID value converted to a string and without dashes.

2. SDK State

The WhitelabelPay SDK offers a mechanism to check the status of the SDK instance within the WhitelabelPay system:

val state = sdk.deviceState()

or observe the state changes:

    .collect { state ->
        when (state) {
            State.INACTIVE -> { }
            State.ONBOARDING -> { }
            State.ACTIVE -> { }

3. Tokens

Enrolment token

The enrolment token is used to register a card (once or multiple times) within the WhitelabelPay system. The sdk provides a function to get the enrolment token:

try {
    val enrolmentToken = sdk.getEnrolmentToken()
} catch (e: Exception) {
    Timber.e("get onboarding token failed: ", e)

The enrolment token:

  • always starts with 01;
  • is unique for the device;
  • is stored on device;
  • is not reset for new sdk instances;
  • can be used multiple times when enrolling new or existing cards (bank accounts).

In order to use the token with the OneScan format, the SDK offers an utility function to get the string representation of the token:

val tokenString = enrolmentToken.stringRepresentation()

Payment token

The payment token is used to make payments within the WhitelabelPay system. The sdk provides a function to get a payment token (if available):

try {
    val paymentToken = sdk.getPaymentToken()
} catch (e: Exception) {
    Timber.e("get payment token failed: ", e)

A payment token(s):

  • always start with 02;
  • is consumable, meaning that once scanned it must be scanned again;
  • once read, the token is deleted from local storage (device);
  • can be null if no tokens are stored on device and the device is offline.

Fetching a payment token when there is internet connectivity:

  1. Will trigger an API call that returns a list of 5 payment tokens
  2. Save the token list in the local storage
  3. Return one token from storage
  4. Delete the token from storage

Fetching a payment token when there is NO internet connectivity:

  1. Return one token from the local storage (if there is no token left, null will be returned)
  2. Delete the token from storage

In order to use the token with the OneScan format, the SDK offers an utility function to get the string representation of the token:

    val tokenString = paymentToken.stringRepresentation()

4. Data synchronization

The SDK offers an utility function to synchronize all SDK data available on device (sdk state, card data and payment tokens):

viewModelScope.launch {
    try {
        val state = sdk.sync()
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        Timber.e("sync failed: ", e)

5. Registered cards operations (payment means)

The SDK offers the functionality to retrieve and manage the already registered cards, called payment means within WhitelabelPay.

- Retrieve payment means

try {
    val paymentMeansList = sdk.getPaymentMeansList()
} catch (e: Exception) {
    Timber.e("get payment means list failed: ", e)

- Deactivate an active payment mean

viewModelScope.launch {
    try {
            paymentMeanId = paymentMean.Id,
            onDeactivationSuccess = { }
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        Timber.e("deactivation of payment mean failed: ", e)

- Reactivate an inactive payment mean

viewModelScope.launch {
    try {
            paymentMeanId = paymentMean.Id,
            onReactivationSuccess = { }
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        Timber.e("reactivation of payment mean failed: ", e)

- Delete a payment mean

viewModelScope.launch {
    try {
            paymentMeanId = paymentMean.Id,
            onDeletionSuccess = { }
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        Timber.e("deleting payment mean failed: ", e)

6. Sign Off

Sign off deactivates all payment means and removes locally stored payment means and payment tokens. The state of the SDK is set to ONBOARDING.

viewModelScope.launch {

7. Reset

The reset functionality purges ALL SDK data from the device, resets the SDK state to INACTIVE

viewModelScope.launch {

8. Exclude WhitelabelPay data from automatic backup

If the Application using WhitelabelPay has automatic backup enabled, in order to make sure the data generated by the SDK and stored in the Encrypted Shared Preferences file is not persisted in the end-user's Google account, the aforementioned shared preferences file must be excluded from automatic backup.

Here are the steps for achieving this:

Changes in the AndroidManifest.xml file:

Set the android:allowBackup attribute to "true" for the <application> element. This ensures that the app's data will be backed up by default.

In the app's AndroidManifest.xml, explicitly exclude the shared preferences file from being backed up by adding the android:fullBackupContent attribute to the <application> element and specifying an XML resource that excludes the shared preferences file.

    <!-- ... -->

Create an XML resource:

Create an XML resource file (e.g., res/xml/full_backup_exclude.xml) that specifies which files or directories should be excluded from backups. In this XML file, you can specify that the shared preferences file should not be backed up. Here's an example of such an XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <exclude domain="sharedpref" path="wlp-sdk-prefs-bundle-id.xml" />

where bundle-id is the value specified at step: 1. Setup for bundleId parameter.