You will need Vagrant and Docker installed. This has been primarily tested on Ubuntu.
Make sure the following is in /etc/hosts: api-blue.qcon.demo api-green.qcon.demo api.qcon.demo
The included docker registry is insecure, so you'll need to let your local docker daemon know it is ok to use it. You need to add --insecure-registry
to your daemon's startup parameters. The way you do this varies by OS, but here are a few pointers:
- On Ubuntu 15:04+ (with systemd):
- On Ubuntu (with upstart): Edit /etc/default/docker
- With boot2docker: Search "insecure-registry" here:
Start up the demo environment.
This will use Vagrant to start up a cluster of CoreOS VMs and schedule the Docker images we need to the VMs using fleet. Specifically, vulcand, docker-registry and our qcon-gtin service.
For each new terminal window, source the following script to add the Vagrant ssh keys, set the Fleet tunneling variable, and use a simplified prompt (for live demos):
source source_me
Test at:
Modify whatever you'd like in the main.go
source for the service. For the demo, we're going to add this:
if len(gtinParam) == 13 {
gtinParam = strings.TrimPrefix(gtinParam, "0")
Note: If you want to be able to deploy multiple versions in your cluster, give this new build a new version by ticking the version number in Makefile
and [email protected]
Packing up in Docker and push to Docker registry:
make release
Deploy the GTIN service (with zero downtime):
cd units
fleetctl destroy [email protected]
fleetctl destroy [email protected]
fleetctl destroy [email protected]
fleetctl start [email protected]
fleetctl start [email protected]
fleetctl start [email protected]
Or, use the alias:
redeploy-service gtin 2
redeploy-service gtin 3