Releases: paypal/paypal-here-sdk-ios-distribution
Releases · paypal/paypal-here-sdk-ios-distribution
What's new:
- Fix: Battery poll
- Fix: Timeout reader commands, logging, battery poll optimization, cardRemovedBeforeRead error
- Fix(Chip & Tap): Get battery level during connection flow
What's new:
- Fix(Chip & Tap/Swipe): Get battery level during connection flow
What's new:
- Fix(iOS): Verifone reader
- fix(Auth-Capture): Gratuity is added to invoice total
- Fix(Chip-Pin): Granular errors for card data parsing
- Fix(PaymentErrorHandler): Error handling for network and declined cases
- Fix(QRCPayments): No polling updates to IA after merchant cancel
What's new:
- Feat: APIs on PayPal Error to extract details
- Fix(OfflinePayment): Process response when both error & response are present
- Feat: Network error handling
- Fix(OfflinePayments): Expect MTP response format to be json
- Fix: Receipt flow
- Feat: Signature validation
- Build(iOS): xcframework for the PPH SDK
- Feat: Order ID in transaction record
- Fix(Chip and tap/swipe): UI Handling of the see phone error
- Docs(DeviceManager): Update scanAndAutoConnectToBluetoothReader API documentation
What's new:
- feat(DeviceManager): shouldStopScanning utility method to check if search and connect APIs should be invoked again if an error is returned on previous invocation
- Docs(iOS): PPRetailRetailInvoice documentation
- Fix: Audio swiper plugin behavior
- Fix: Stop ongoing reader search when UI search is initiated
- Fix(iOS): Remove endCardReaderDiscovery functionality, receipt screen refactor
- Fix: Show payment retry alerts after reader deactivation
- Fix: Show In-Use card readers on searchAndConnect screen
- Fix(Chip and Swipe): reader hanging after chip card is swiped
- Refactor: Reader battery poll
- Fix(Chip and tap/sig): Command ordering and response matching improvements
- Fix: Connect to last reader
- Fix(OfflinePayment): Failing offline payments due to bad request body
- Fix(DeviceManager): Connect to another reader after declining reader update
- Fix(Chip and pin): Error handling during firmware update
- Refactor(TransactionBeginOptions): QRC prompts off by default
- Fix(DeviceManager): Auto connect API retries with intervals
- Fix: Card reader battery status and connection
- Fix: Logging improvements
- Fix(iOS): Receipt screen improvements
- Fix: Offline payment improvements
- Fix: ApplePay unknown card issuer
- feat: unableToConnect error on connection failure
- (iOS) SwiftLint Integration
- fix(Chip and tap/sig): invalid card data error behaviour
- fix(Chip and tap/sig/pin): forceDisconnect on native initiated disconnects
- feat(web): Pre Check UI for mediator app
- refactor: method to determine GC payment type in InvoicePayment
- Fix(iOS, UI): Alert dialog improvements
- Fix(iOS): Crash logging
What's new:
- Fix(iOS): Revert to max alert width of 288
- fix(miura): send registerCardEvents only in transactionState
- Fix: Device connection issues
- fix: Update okHttp version and merchant init error
- feat: orderID property on TransactionContext
What's new:
- fix: Bad Emv issue on Chip and Pin readers
- fix: remove export on Signature Activity
- fix: move activity reference prior sendReceipt call
- fix: expired sandbox vaulting data
- Refactor: iOS Update reachability identifier to avoid conflicts
- build(iOS): missing PPRetailRecord.h in project file
- fix: remove signature export; add optional check on qrcTemplates
What's new:
- Fix(iOS): Undo dependency updates
What's new:
- Fix(android): remove external activity reference
What's new:
- Fix: verifone bugs
- M010 packet ordering
- Feat: adding invoice update/ cancel API for qrc
- Feat: verifone Integration
- Feat: handling error cases and fixing invoice issue
- fix: phone_number and country_code from status
- Skip invoiceSave on second partial payment