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Smart contracts to be deployed on the Ethereum network.

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Payrollah Registry

This repository contains the smart contract code for payrollah registry (in /contracts) as well as the node package for using this library (in /src).

Installing Package

npm i @payrollah/payrollah-registry

Package Usage

This package contains the ABI for the payrollah smart contracts. To use the package, you will need to provide your own Web3 provider and signer/wallet.


Company will store the address, name and domain information of a given company registered with payrollah. You should be connecting to a global instance of Company contract at 0x27a7d618C8d67F8C57eb3eF4815f4C869242B0bE.

Connecting to existing Company contract on Ethereum

import {Company__factory} from "@payrollah/payrollah-registry";

const connectedRegistry = Company__factory.connect(address, wallet);

List of available functions on Company

The contract supports all ERC721 methods with a few added functionality listed below:

  • constructor(string name, string symbol) - Will be used to initialize the contract
  • companies(int companyId) - Given companyId return company information
  • createCompany(string name, string domain) - Register new company with Company contract
  • getCompanyAddress(int companyId) - Returns company wallet address
  • getCompanyIdByAddress(address companyAddress) - Get all companyId from Address
  • isActiveCompany(int companyId) - Check if company isActive
  • isExistingCompany(int companyId) - Check if company is existing
  • isValidCompany(int companyId) - Check if company is valid
  • isValidCompanyAddress(address companyAddress) - Check if company address given is valid
  • disableCompany(uint256 companyId) - Disable company from smart contract (a way to leave the platform)


Worker contract currently just stores the workers address and whether he is active on the platform. We decided to use NFT token here for future scalability in the event that we may want to expand through storing more verification information. You can connect to the Worker contract we have deployed at 0xfC16D162C6a9Ff85346cB42176428c26278F09D1.

Connecting to existing Worker contract on Ethereum

import {Worker__factory} from "@payrollah/payrollah-registry";

const connectedRegistry = Worker__factory.connect(address, wallet);

List of available functions on Worker contract

The contract supports all ERC721 methods with a few added functionality listed below:

  • constructor(string name, string symbol) - Will be used to initialize the contract
  • workers(int workerId) - Return worker information by id
  • createWorker() - Register new worker with Worker contract
  • getWorkerAddress(int workerId) - Get address from workerId
  • getWorkerIdByAddress(address workerAddress) - Returns workerId by address
  • isActiveWorker(int workerId) - Check if the worker account is active
  • isExistingWorker(int workerId) - Check if the worker exist on the contract
  • isValidWorker(int workerId) - Check if worker is valid
  • isValidWorkerAddress(address workerAddress) - Check if given address is a valid worker
  • disableWorker(int workerId) - Disable worker from smart contract (a way to leave the platform)


Task stores all the past task created, who completed it, who endorsed it and its current status. We have decided to make all tasks public for now as we want to allow future company to be able to see the previous work done by worker. You can connect to the Task contract we have deployed at 0x2fBd0b674B86BBb7Fb7CC76cD815be95eeCcE6c9.

Connecting to existing Task contract on Ethereum

import {Task__factory} from "@payrollah/payrollah-registry";

const connectedRegistry = Task__factory.connect(address, wallet);

List of available functions on Task contract

The contract supports all ERC721 methods with a few added functionality listed below:

  • constructor(string name, string symbol, address workerRegistry) - Will be used to initialize the contract
  • createTask(string title, string description, int compensation) - Creates a new task instance to be called by Job contract
  • isValidTask(int taskId) - Checks if the task exist
  • isCompletedTask(int taskId) - Checks if the task is completed
  • hasEvidence(int taskId) - Checks if evidence has been submitted before
  • isCandidate(int taskId, address candidate) - Checks if given address is indeed a candidate applying for task
  • isAssigned(int taskId) - Checks if task is assigned to anyone
  • tasks(int taskId) - Returns all information about the task
  • getCompensation(int taskId) - Returns the value of compensation for the task in wei
  • getAssignee(int taskId) - Returns the assigned address for the task
  • getTaskByJob(address jobAddress) - Returns an array for all the task owned by job
  • getTaskByWorkerAddress(address workerAddress) - Returns an array of in-progress task for a given worker address
  • getCandidateByTask(int taskId) - Returns an array of all potential candidate for a task
  • addCandidates(int taskId, address workerAddress) - Adds a given candidate to a job
  • assignTask(int taskId, address assignedTo) - Assigns a candidate to a given task
  • submitEvidence(int taskId, string evidence,address assignedTo) - Allows the candidate to submit evidence via job contract
  • approveTask(int taskId, address endorsedBy) - Allows the job owner to check the evidence and accept the work
  • rejectEvidence(int taskId, address endorsedBy) - Allows the job owner to check the evidence and reject the work
  • reAssignTask(int taskId, address assignedTo) - Allow job owner to reassign the task if worker does not meet standards set


JobCreator allows us to control who can deploy new jobs. This gives us greater security as we will know exactly who posted a job. You can connect to the JobCreator contract we have deployed at 0xC784727e7dD2689fD25277236E2526d36F907313.

Connecting to existing JobCreator contract on Ethereum

import {JobCreator__factory} from "@payrollah/payrollah-registry";

const connectedRegistry = JobCreator__factory.connect(address, wallet);

List of available functions on JobCreator contract:

  • constructor(address companyRegistry, address workerRegistry, address taskRegistry) - Will be used to initialize the contract
  • deployNewJob(string title, string description) - Deploys a new job contract


Job is a smart contract which will hold the compensation for all task. It will track the sub task required for the job to be completed. when you use JobCreator to deploy a job, an address will be returned. You can connect to the address of the job.

Connecting to existing Job contract on Ethereum

import {JobCreator__factory} from "@payrollah/payrollah-registry";

const connectedRegistry = JobCreator__factory.connect(address, wallet);

List of available functions on JobCreator contract:

  • constructor(address taskRegistry, address jobOwner, string title, string description)
  • status() - Returns status for job
  • tasks(int index) - Return task by order of creation
  • collaborators(address workerAddress) - Check if worker is a collaborator in a job
  • jobOwner() - Return owner of job
  • title() - Return title of job
  • description() - Return description of job
  • isJobTask(int taskId) - Check if given task is job's task
  • getTasks() - Return all task of this job
  • addTask(string title, string description, int compensation) - Add task for this job
  • addCandidates(int taskId, address workerAddress) - Adds a given candidate to this job
  • assignTask(int taskId, address assignedTo) - Assigns a candidate to a given task for this job
  • submitTask(int taskId, string evidence) - Allows the candidate to submit evidence for this job
  • approveTask(int taskId) - Allows the job owner to check the evidence and accept the work for this job
  • rejectEvidence(int taskId) - Allows the job owner to check the evidence and reject the work
  • reAssignTask(int taskId, address assignedTo) - Allow job owner to reassign the task if worker does not meet standards set for a task in this job
  • completeJob() - Allows job owner to complete the task and pay all collaborators

Provider & Signer

Different ways to get provider or signer:

import {Wallet, providers, getDefaultProvider} from "ethers";

// Providers
const mainnetProvider = getDefaultProvider();
const ropstenProvider = getDefaultProvider("ropsten");
const metamaskProvider = new providers.Web3Provider(web3.currentProvider); // Will change network automatically

// Signer
const signerFromPrivateKey = new Wallet("YOUR-PRIVATE-KEY-HERE", provider);
const signerFromEncryptedJson = Wallet.fromEncryptedJson(json, password);
const signerFromMnemonic = Wallet.fromMnemonic("MNEMONIC-HERE");


npm install
npm run test
npm run truffle <command>


This repo was made for our IS4302 Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies final project!